Praire Dog adventure


Oct 10, 2004
Well I am back from the Wyoming PD trip. Here are the high points/things I learned.

1. Cabelas is charging $25.99 for powders at both their Omaha and Sidney stores. :cry:

2. 18 hours one way is a long drive. ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

3. Look out for semi truck tools and wheel weights on the road at nite. They will give you a flat tire :evil: :x But there is a motel of sorts in Dickyville Wisconsin.

4. Praire Dog distance judging can be difficult for a Yooper who never sees past 100 yds when hunting at home.

5. Praire Dogs don't mind dirt showers when you are constantly shooting right in front of them. In fact I think they enjoy it. :?

6. Shooting at 350 yds is much more fun than shooting at 100 yds.

7. 55 gn Ballistic Tips blow right thru Praire Dogs . . . no red mist :cry:

8. High blood pressure meds and heat exhaustion do not mix well. . . unless you like the feeling of passing out on a barbed wire fence. :roll: (ie. if you are going to be dumb you have to be tough). And yes, a tetnus shot will make your arm sore for a few days.

These are the things I experienced on the big trip. Some I would gladly experience again. . . but some I would rather not :lol:

I'am glad you had a good time, but sounds like you had some interesting


It all builds character!
Glad you had a good time and back home safe.

If I had Steve Martin and John Candy I could have done a sequal to "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" :lol:

Long has recovered (too) fast... He and his son Jeremy smoked me at the range today... :oops:

I have had NO success with CT Ballistic Silvertips...go figure? tried them im my 3006 today... 168gr bullets in front of 57.5 through 59 gr of H4350 in 0.5 gr increments.

57.5 was the best at a 1.27"... things got uglier after that! :cry: Well...back to the drawing board! :roll: