Primers and powder

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
Ok, I must admit that I've been a little remiss in my following of the prices on the block.
There are some gougers on GunBroker. com that are taking full advantagae of the panic. This is not breaking news to most of you.
The major problem I see is the cost of shipping Hazzardous material, and of course the greed, of some of our bretheren :twisted: I am not a dealer and don't have a lot to offer. A snail mail letter would be nice. Send a PM.
Pony'ing up for the hazmat cost won’t help you either. I put in an order from Cabalas for primers. Their website originally said they had a 1-2 week back order. Fine.

Then we got an email saying it would be another 4 weeks (their website now said back order was 2-3 weeks). Ok, whatever.

We just got our latest notification that it would take another 4 weeks. At least now their website says back orders are 4-5 weeks. But even if they can make that date, we’ll have waited 10 weeks.
POP":1m21c2jf said:
Wait it out. All will be ok.......

It’s not me that’s going to suffer. It’s the deer or elk that I might take a shot at with very little practice shooting this year.