QL needed please

Not in front of my home pc right now. You should max out at 58 gr at 3050 fps
Cartridge          : .270 Win. (SAAMI)
Bullet             : .277, 130, Nosler PART SP 16322
Useable Case Capaci: 61.884 grain H2O = 4.018 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.340 inch = 84.84 mm
Barrel Length      : 26.0 inch = 660.4 mm
Powder             : IMR 4831

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-20.0   84    45.92   2610    1967   33218   8668     96.0    1.529
-18.0   86    47.07   2672    2061   35503   8886     96.8    1.491
-16.0   88    48.22   2734    2158   37938   9090     97.6    1.448
-14.0   90    49.36   2796    2256   40533   9279     98.3    1.404
-12.0   92    50.51   2857    2356   43299   9452     98.9    1.361
-10.0   95    51.66   2918    2457   46247   9608     99.3    1.320
-08.0   97    52.81   2978    2560   49391   9746     99.7    1.281
-06.0   99    53.96   3038    2664   52744   9865     99.9    1.243
-04.0  101    55.10   3097    2768   56323   9965    100.0    1.207  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0  103    56.25   3155    2874   60144  10047    100.0    1.172  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0  105    57.40   3213    2980   64227  10125    100.0    1.138  ! Near Maximum !
+02.0  107    58.55   3270    3087   68594  10199    100.0    1.106  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0  109    59.70   3327    3195   73268  10271    100.0    1.075  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0  111    60.84   3383    3304   78276  10338    100.0    1.045  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0  113    61.99   3439    3414   83649  10403    100.0    1.016  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0  116    63.14   3494    3525   89420  10463    100.0    0.988  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba    105    57.40   3322    3185   76791   9739    100.0    1.059  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba    105    57.40   3047    2680   51836  10428     98.3    1.247
Try 55grs of 4350 too. That the last one I had would shoot that combo well under 1/2".
One of my favorite loads in the .270 is 57.0 gr. of IMR-4831 with the 130 PT. Velocity is 3020 in a 22 inch barrel. This load came from Nosler manual no.1 and is an excellent load for me. Accuracy has always been sub moa in my rifles. For hunting I do tweak it up a bit. Acually, I have found that IMR-4831 works real well with all the nosler partitions from the 130 to the 160. Getting real 270 velocity and darn good accuracy has been no problem in my rifles.
I just noted that I ran that particular simulation for a 26 inch barrel. Whilst pressures won't change, velocities will. Here's a projection with a 22 inch barrel.

Cartridge          : .270 Win. (SAAMI)
Bullet             : .277, 130, Nosler PART SP 16322
Useable Case Capaci: 61.884 grain H2O = 4.018 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.340 inch = 84.84 mm
Barrel Length      : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm
Powder             : IMR 4831

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-20.0   84    45.92   2484    1780   33218  10362     94.1    1.398
-18.0   86    47.07   2545    1870   35503  10658     95.1    1.363
-16.0   88    48.22   2607    1962   37938  10939     96.1    1.323
-14.0   90    49.36   2668    2055   40533  11204     97.0    1.282
-12.0   92    50.51   2729    2150   43299  11452     97.7    1.242
-10.0   95    51.66   2790    2248   46247  11681     98.4    1.204
-08.0   97    52.81   2851    2347   49391  11891     98.9    1.167
-06.0   99    53.96   2912    2447   52744  12079     99.4    1.131
-04.0  101    55.10   2971    2549   56323  12244     99.7    1.097  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0  103    56.25   3031    2652   60144  12387     99.9    1.064  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0  105    57.40   3090    2756   64227  12504    100.0    1.033  ! Near Maximum !
+02.0  107    58.55   3148    2861   68594  12603    100.0    1.002  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0  109    59.70   3206    2968   73268  12696    100.0    0.973  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0  111    60.84   3264    3075   78276  12786    100.0    0.945  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0  113    61.99   3321    3183   83649  12871    100.0    0.918  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0  116    63.14   3378    3293   89420  12951    100.0    0.891  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba    105    57.40   3208    2970   76791  12029    100.0    0.957  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba    105    57.40   2915    2453   51836  12640     97.1    1.135
Yea. There ya go Dr.Mike. The quick load numbers are very close to what I get in a 22 inch barrel.