Reloader 26 for 280 Ackley Improved


Mar 5, 2019
I just picked up a Kimber 84 Hunter in 280 Ackley Improved and my father is letting me use some RL 26 to try in it. I have done some google searches and seen several people on other forums referencing RL 26 in this cartridge but I can't find any data in the manuals I have at home or on Alliant's website. I tried to find data for this powder in a 280 Remington but I cant find data for that either. I reached out to Alliant via Email but I have yet to receive a response. Im looking to try this powder for 140gr to 160gr bullets and Im looking for a starting charge weight and will work up from there.

Much Thanks
With 160's start at about 56.5 grains.

In a pinch you can use 7mm Remington Short Action Ultra Mag load data.... the case capacity for it and the 280 AI are similar.

I haven't loaded bullets lighter than 150 grains in the 280... but if I did, I think I'd use one of the 4350 powders.

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I just recently had one built Rem action, brux barrel. IMR 4831 and RL22 have been great choices so far also but RL26 would be my first choice if I could find any.
Factory Nosler 160's AB shoot great.
Currently using
Nosler Brass
140 BT

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I have played with RL-26 in mine a bit. I tried to get it to shoot the 150 ABLR, but H4831 ended up grouping better. I shoot RL-26 in it now with the 168 ABLR. I believe my charge is 59.4 gr and I'm getting roughly 2940 out of a 24" tube. I had great luck with 7828 and the 160 AB, RL-22 with the 140 AB, and RL-17 with the 140 BT. RL-26 may work well with the 160 + class bullets, but I suspect you may want to run a bit faster powder for anything under 160gr. Just my thoughts anyways. Good luck.
I was in same place as you two years ago. Berger has some published data I found but with a 168 gr. bullet. I started at 57gr with a 160gr bullet and cci br2 primers. That is in fire formed norma brass. I lots of re 26 and just found more of it traveling fir work. Not sure but might be too slow a powder for a 140gr bullet.

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You can use 280 Remington Max load data as a starting point for the 280 AI and carefully work up from there.

Thanks to all for the input. I have several powders that I can and eventually will try in this 280AI. Ive got both 4831's, RL 16, RL 17, RL 19, RL 22, RL 26, Both H and IMR 4350's, and some IMR 7828. Im sure Ill find something that clicks with this rifle.