Replacement stock Remington 722?


Apr 18, 2009
Anybody got any suggestions?

My ace compadre and hunting partner has his Grandads 722 in 257 Robert that we have been tinkering with.
New glass to replace the 40 year old Bushnell, some 100 gr NBTs and Reloader 17 have given us a sub one inch rifle that deserves to be hunted with for years to come.

Problem is the stock on this thing is horrible in so far as cheekweld.
The comb of the stock reminds me of a shotgun, I have to pick my head way up off the stock to see through the scope.

So, other than ordering something from Richards Microfit, are their any other options?
Will a 700 SA ADL stock fit it?

Thanks in advance,

A bil of mine had a 722 .257 Roberts fitted with a McMillan stock made for the 700. A custom gun guy in New Braunfels fitted it for him so I don't know what modifications had to be made if any.
McMillan will inlet for a 721/722. A Classic in 33% light brown/33% dark brown/34% black ( McWoodie) will look enough like wood to fool most people
BK":392ipdgi said:
McMillan will inlet for a 721/722. A Classic in 33% light brown/33% dark brown/34% black ( McWoodie) will look enough like wood to fool most people

This is gonna be one of those"inexpensive, do it yourself projects" :mrgreen:

Just got off the phone with my 'smith and he said a 700 SA stock will fit a 722. Have to remove some wood to make the safety work and a few other minor fit issues that are all easily doable.

I need to find a stock.

Have dremel tool, will travel :grin:
Boyds sells some pretty nice walnut and laminates that are pretty reasonably priced. I have one Boyds nutmeg laminate on my son's 6mm Remington and I sure think it's a great stock!
I like Boyd's stocks too, but you can find a virtual smorgasboard of Remington stocks on eBay. Some are new takeoffs, some are used to varying degrees, some are wood, some are plastic, some are the top dollar stuff with aluminum bedding blocks.... I recently bought one like the ones listed below for a 308 project. The pics don't do them justice... ... 1e675dbcd7 ... 43aa183615

A BDL floorplate can be installed on the 722.
If I can remember, I bilieve that the 722 and the 700 Short Action are the same design basically. They should interchange with minimal work except for the floorplate assembly. The 722 stocks were designed for iron sights and had more drop at the heel, but other than that I believe that they will interchange. The bottom metal is a different design and you may have to buy a floorplate assembly to use a BDL stock on the 722. Some late 722's had the 700 floorplate assembly on them but most did not.