
H4831 is a bit faster & IMR7828 a bit slower. Obviously no powders are interchangable. What cart. / bullet are you using RL22 with?
:grin: i'm trying to get powder for 110.257 AccuBond,.257 ackley.i have buddy using rl22,and i thougfht since i have,h4831sc,h4895,n165,magpro.that i might beable to use something smilar.have great load for 100gr pt with h4350,nice to have starting point with 110.larry
Another powder is Norma MRP that are very close to RL-22. In my 280Rem rifle Norma MRP use the powder weight and velocity closely to RL-22.
I just finished working with the 110gr accubonds and my 25.06. I started with imr4350 and couldn't get under 1 1/2" groups at 100yds no matter what i tried so i quickly abandoned that powder. Next i went to imr4831 and i got consistent 1-1/4" groups at 100yds but i did have one 1" group that looked promising so i noted all the data and moved on. Next i broke out the RL22 and RL19. I started to try the RL22 before anything else and now wish i had but like the saying "hind sight is always 20/20". The first several loads i worked up with the 22 wasn't that great but i continued on. I was beginning to notice a pattern in that the closer to max i got the tighter the groups were getting. Then it happened :shock:! I shot the best group i have ever shot in my many years of reloading. I usually shoot three shot groups when testing and if i find something good i'll load three more and shoot at the same target. The first two were touching and i thought, maybe i'm on to something here. Third shot went in the same hole as the other two and i now had one big hole in the paper. Man i was tickled pink :grin: . I went back into my shop and loaded three more just to be sure. I fired another one at the target and i now had a bigger hole. I seen no need to shoot the other two so i went and took the target down to drool over for a few minutes. I measured the four shot group with my digitals and it was 0.325 :shock: :grin: . As soon as i can get to it i'll take a pic of the target and post it. I had 40pieces of brass left so i loaded them all. I have definately found a sweet spot and a load that this rifle loves and i can't wait to shoot a deer with the 110gr AccuBond to see what it will do. Anyone who is trying to find a load with this bullet i would highly recommend they try RL22.
:grin: that's lt! i'm buying a pound tommorrow(rl22)i'll keep you posted,thanks,larry
Just as note, every rilfe is different. Everyone I talked to said RL22 was great in the .280. Mine only didd so-so. When I switched to IMR7828, bingo, groups half the size & going a bit faster w/o pressure signs too. Good luck.
:grin: well i got to range today.results;5/8's inch best group so far.52 grns RL22,110 AccuBond,win case cci 200 primer,seat depth 3.018.i'll mess around and see if i can get smaller.