Setting Up for the Ross


Nov 8, 2006
I was set to size some brass for the .280 Ross a while back. I discovered that the sizing die was cracked. It is a C-H 4D. I've E-mailed the company twice to ask whether their warranty applies in this instance. I'm hoping to hear back this time. If it is covered by warranty, well and good. Otherwise, it is buy another sizing die. There appears to be a wait for that and the cost is fairly steep. RCBS also makes dies for the .280 at approximately the same cost. Nevertheless, as factory ammunition for this is not readily available, I suppose I need to have this. I annealed the brass I have, so I have a bit to work with at the moment. Securing brass and bullets may be a bit dicey, however. They are available, but they aren't cheap.
Most .280 Ross barrels will slug as .284 making them standard 7mm bullets. Forming .280 Ross cases from .300 H&H brass is another matter entirely.
Man, that is a cool project Mike. I hope you are able to secure a die for the rifle. Have you checked Buffalo Arms for dies. They made them for the 35 Newton as well. Might be a used set available somewhere as well.

That is amazing the die was cracked. Someone must have really put the torque to it!

They say they have ample stock and the price isn't horrible for a rare die set? ... 280%20ross

They have brass as well. Like you said, they aren't giving it away, but it isn't totally out of line for the rarity I don't think? ... 280%20ross
I'm beginning to suspect that the sizing die I have was cracked when the previous owner used it to size 300 H&H or 348 Win to a 280. C-H won't warranty the die if it was used for forming cases, and though I can't prove it to be the case, I have to suspect that the previous owner was doing precisely that. There is a case-forming die available from RCBS, but if I can secure a bit more brass, it really won't be necessary. There is some brass that he was sizing in the stuff he sent. I suspect that he may have cracked the die doing that. I have a FL set and a neck sizing die on order from RCBS. Both Quality Cartridge and Bertram still produce brass. I note that Buffalo Arms is making their brass from 300 H&H and restamping the case head.