Well, I bought my wife a new 4 wheeler from Gander Mtn. Well, they gave me a 1000.00 gift certificate for the purchase. Yesterday, I bought 4LB's R22, 2LB's R19, 1lb of H4895, 2lb's AA2520, and a bunch of cases for the 300 Win, 7mm Rem, and 243. Their prices are kind of high, but I figured it was a good way to stock up on some powder and not really come out of pocket. Bullets are outrageous there, so I couldn't bring myself to buy any, but it was cool to grab a bunch of powder. Anyhow, Gander still has a bunch of popular powders, so if you all need some they may be worth a look. No luck on primers though. Now, I have enough powders to work with for awhile. Plus, they are versatile enough that I can use them for other things. Scotty