Swede on the range


Aug 20, 2011
Got to shoot the swede a bit today conditions were less than ideal a gusty wind. Got it sighted in after a few rounds. Running 7828 behind the 125 PT velocity is running 2900-2950 and I could push it some more. As for accuracy I was under an inch with one group 2 in the same hole one out about an inch so it will definitely shoot. Will be playing with it some more tomorrow.
That's a great report, Jake. I passed a couple of years back on a Swede in a Featherweight. I didn't have the money at that time. You've done well.

Nice shooting. As Fotis mentioned, adjust your COL. Turn the plunger on your seating die 1/4 turn at a time. You should be able to walk in the group.

Jake, that is really good velocity for that bullet and powder. I never realized that 7828 would give these results for velocity. Great results!
Yes, Fotis 2 in 1 out I think I'm about a grain and a half from max but I'm already compressed. I got a short throat I'm at 3.035" I might be able to bring it out a touch I can now find the lands now for sure since I have a fired case, I did try and chamber a blank at 3.150" and the bullet stayed in the rifling on extraction. I will do some more work I personally think the best powder for the 125's would be 4831. I think 7828 is just a touch too slow for it. Although both 52.5 and 53 were good for SD AND ES with ES being 19 and 20 for the 2 loads. This is also with a 22" barrel. You hardly feel it recoil. It's got an awesome trigger for a factory rifle. I think the 130 or 140 AB will be the best for this rifle since its got a better profile. But all in all I'm very happy and I'll have her tightened up in no time.
Jake, I wouldn't mess with the powder one BIT! If your getting 2900 with 125 PT's, and accuracy like that, I would tweak the seating depth a little and then HUNT with that load. You won't likely gain anything more speed wise with a faster powder and that 125 at that speed would be terror on deer or whatever you wanna hunt!
Shot it again the other day shot 4 groups and were all in 2-3 inch range. I got some work to do. But I did take the spent casings and find the lands. I was loading at 3.040" gun max for the 125's is 3.115" so I got 10 each of 52.5 and 53 loaded at 3.110" so maybe tomorrow morning I can shoot her again. Shot the 280AI and she's a 1/2-3/4 MOA gun any day of the week. I love that gun. Probably going with me for deer unless I can get the Swede dialed in.
Jake, you are getting great results on those 125 gr bullets for starting accuracy and certainly velocity in that Model 70. Keep working on load development I think that you will have a winner.
What's your twist rate in that rifle? How much freebore?

I've been loading for a Swedish M96... really long barrel... with IMR 4350. H380 also showed a lot of promise but I ran out of my stock before thorough testing. This burn rate seems to do really well for me with 123 and 140 grain match bullets. Under 2MOA 5 shots at 100 yards with issue iron sights. I'm seating the bullets rather on the long side to get the groups to settle down. Minimal freebore seems to give good-great accuracy. My Br Inlaw is shooting 140 grain slugs over Varget with great precision but not getting top velocity.

Had to back off the velocity with the 123 AMAx as bullets were occasionally coming apart from rotational forces once the barrel got hot. Vihtavouri and Norma make powders specifically designed for top velocity in modern rifles of this caliber. You might give those a try if you want top speed combined with accuracy. You may also try working up a 140 gr load. If you run the numbers, this round uses that bullet weight with extreme efficiency.

I agree I'm just waiting for 140's on SPS. As for twist I have not a clue its a factory M70 FW I will call eventually and find out for curiosities sake. My first test loads were very short 3.040" SAMMI is 3.150" With the 125's I can't seat them out that long for one they would just barely be in the neck and two at SAMMI, I'm jamming them in the lands. My second set I was hoping the accuracy would be there either the nut behind the trigger really sucked, or I had some work to do which I think is more likely As I shot 3 -3 shot groups with my 280AI afterwards all under .7" with the best at .5" plus shooting the 22-250 under an inch with 4 different loads. My last three shot group was better than the first 3 that day but still unsatisfactory by my standards. If I remember right 1.25-1.5 O-O. My third set of loads are loaded at 3.110" max for the gun with this bullet is 3.115" so I think with them being close to the lands my third session will be much better, I needed some fired cases to find the lands before I could do that. I do have 4350 to test as well, but I think my big issue was the freebore I had. .070" is pretty extreme especially for partitions. I also don't like compressed loads my first go around they were but now with them seated out farther I'm not. We will see. If I don't get what I'm after back to the bench with 4350.

What kind of velocities are you seeing? The M96 has a 29" barrel right?
Haven't chrono'd any yet. I believe you're right on 29" give or take metric equivalent.

Never did work up to max in my rifle. My Br inlaw did work up to 2800 fps with a 140 gr CC BTHP over IMR 4350.

My only need in this rifle is a 200 yard match load for as-issued CMP shooting so mild recoil and repeatable precision that match the regulation of my sights are my priorty, not top speed.

Just out of curiosity, what brass are you using? I've noticed some serious qc problems with Win brass in this caliber. Poor concentricity and off-center flash holes. Have had none of these issues with Norma or PRVI brass I'm using.

Haven't looked into sporting bullets, but counterintuitively 140 gr CCs will actually shoot flatter at longer ranges than 123s despite a slower launch velocity.
Nosler. Its on sale under nosler.com promotions page picked up 4 boxes for 31/50 can't go wrong there! I'll try and shoot tomorrow morning so we will see.
Shot the Swede again today and I'm completely puzzled. I thinking I may have a bedding issue I'm not sure shot 3 groups 2 @ 52.5 gr of 7828 and 1 at 53. First shot in the first group I thought I pulled the next 3 went in a vertical line. Next I shot the 53's dropped the Minox 4 inches and fired. First shot was a little off of where I though it would hit fired again right where I expected. Then shot another group of 52.5 and its okay 1.25" or so but I think I have a underlying problem. I will post pictures shortly.