Thank You Fotis


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
Thanks buddy for keeping us safe. :mrgreen:

You pour Ouzo on a petty insect .... it dies!
Indeed, our thanks, Fotis. This fellow sounded suspiciously like a troll from NJ that first presented himself as long ranger, then popped back up under another name.
DrMike":2skbnltl said:
Indeed, our thanks, Fotis. This fellow sounded suspiciously like a troll from NJ that first presented himself as long ranger, then popped back up under another name.

I'm guessing we'll see him again.
Great work Fotis! He always sounds the same... Parents must've not taught him to play nice with others...
SJB358":yxmicdyu said:
Parents mustn't not taught him to play nice with others...

That is because parents shared the same chromosomes. :wink:
Thanks Fotis, the world seems to be full of unfulfilled trolls. Maybe we need to reinstate the draft?
Kinda funny, I have only put 2 people on ignore here and very quickly they were banned. Thanks Fotis :)
gerry":18e9ngjj said:
Kinda funny, I have only put 2 people on ignore here and very quickly they were banned. Thanks Fotis :)

I've done it three times, Gerry. Hey, two out of three ain't bad.
Well, hopefully I am not the only ignoramous here who doesn't know how to put someone on "ignore," but I'll be the first ignoramous to ask.'s it done??

Click on the name of the individual whom you wish to ignore. This will transfer you to the "Viewing Profile" window. You will see a couple of options above the profile, permitting you to designate these as "friend" or "foe." Click on "foe," and follow the directions.
Ouzo, great scrabble word. Long gunner, long ranger, long whatever there a dime a dozen. I think I am going to build a 30-06 and shoot 105 A max sabots out of it next.
usmc 89":1ukafilb said:
Ouzo, great scrabble word. Long gunner, long ranger, long whatever there a dime a dozen. I think I am going to build a 30-06 and shoot 105 A max sabots out of it next.

I tried that from a sportsman 78 with 22 cal 55 gr ballistic tips. Accuracy was terrible! :p