Thanks Nosler!


Dec 24, 2006
Just wanted to say thank you to Justin Moore and all the great folks at Nosler! I just got my hat and shirt out here in Afghanistan. It was kinda like Christmas in July here in the high desert. You all are some great folks and I can't say how much I appreciate the shirt and hat! They are awesome. I will get you some pictures here shortly. Again, thanks alot for them.

Sorry I posted this in the reloading area, but I know this is the most viewed area and I wanted you all to know what a great company these folks are! Scotty
Well, you'll be advertising some quality merchandise when you wear those!

Glad you got the care package! Thank you sir for your service to our country.

Please send us some pictures of you wearing your Nosler Shirt and Hat with some of those Taliban Killing Machines. :grin:


Wear that stuff with pride we are all thinking about you and your mates, stay safe!!!!

bill and K :grin: :grin: :grin:
Once again Nosler has shown it's "colors" as being a class operation.

Wear your shirt and hat with pride Scotty, knowing the people from America are behind all of you.

Please be safe and God's Blessing for you and all our military folks..

Praying safety for you and your comrades, Scotty! Enjoy your Nosler gear. When you get back stateside, if you're anywhere near Alabama, holler at me and I'll line up to buy a round for you and your brothers.
Thanks Fellers! It is my job to be here, just as it is Noslers to make awesome bullets! I will get you all some pictures here shortly. Been working pretty heavily. Scotty

You're welcome and thanks for keeping us safe. Now we just need to see some photos. :grin:

No worries, thank you again Justin! I have been sporting the hat daily! I may have it partially broke in by the time I return! I will get you all some pictures here shortly. I have been negligent on carrying a camera, but I will get them. Scotty
It was more of a joke than anything, I'd rather you come back safely than take a bunch of pictures for us. Be safe over there and let everybody know we are all thinking about them and praying for their safe return.

If you can, post some pictures of some of the weapon systems that you are using over there.

Jim, yeah no worries. I will get some pictures taken here shortly and throw them all up for you all. Scotty