The List of Traitors Grows....


Jan 29, 2012
The following is a list of Republican lawmakers who voted to advance the gun legislation in the Senate Thursday:

New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte

Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn

Maine Sen. Susan Collins

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake

Georgia Sen. Johnny Isakson

Arizona Sen. John McCain

Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker

North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr

North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven

Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham

Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander

Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker

Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey

Nevada Sen. Dean Heller

The following is a list of Democratic lawmakers who voted against advancing gun legislation:

Alaska Sen. Mark Begich

Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor
I have to say, and to add this is a first, other than those two democratsthe republicans voting to advance show they a) are NOT a conservative, b) can be either bought or swayed by polls, c) and IMO are of low or no character.
To merely allow the advance means they are not constitutional scholars nor will they uphold our other rights.
This infuriates me.
What else will these people cave on next?
I'm willing to bet the doggone democrats (whom I normally despise for their platforms) would vote without a defection if this was a first amendment, gay rights or potential race issue.
Rant over.
Mods, zap this if I've crossed any lines, and if so, sorry.
They were turned by the emotionality of the parents of the Newtown shooting. I am sorry for these people but any Senator that falls for this emotional claptrap is a traitor to their ethical responsibility to their constituents. I know that those parents are very emotional about this but our elected officials are still responsible for protecting the Constitution.
The one that shocked the hell out of me was Jeff Flake of Arizona. When he was in the state legislature he voted for concealed carry and later voted for permitless CCW. He was always one of the leaders when it came to pro-gun legislation.
Mcain on the other hand was no surprise. The last time I wrote him the pile of BS canned answer really pissed me off. I made a copy of it and sent it back with, "Why don't you come out of the closet and admit you're a Democrat?" I cannot stand that RINO POS. :x
Paul B.
How about the #1 guy in D.C. :cry: . he swore to protect the Constitution also, but it looks as though he has changed his mind about doin' that.
Being that the politics section has been quiet for a couple of days I think I can safely assume that everyone is holding their breath as I am. I'm really hoping that the shoe falls in the right direction and it appears as though some of our congressman have woken up to the fact that the Toomey/Manchin bill is a piece of garbage or should I say back door gun control. We'll know sometime today where our fortunes stand. After this vote I believe all the amendments will be introduced and hopefully sent to their rightful place in the gutter.
There is one amendment that I would like to see passed, the Federal Concealed Carry bill. It would be great to have my CCW honored in all 50 states!
Well, there is some good news :shock: and some bad news. First off, the Senate only now needs one vote to go on S.649.
The good news is Senator Jeff Flake has posted on his facebook page that he WILL VOTE AGAINST the bill.
The bad news is at best, Senator John McCain is only a "maybe". I just spent part of my morning trying to reach one of his offices to urge him to vote againt the bill. His phones were ringing literally off the hook. Finally got through about 15 minuts ago and voiced my opposition to the bill. Hope and pray it did some good. :roll: My wife came into the room and when she heard what I was calling about, she yells out, "Add my name to that list too." 8)
As I already knew Mr. Flake had changed his position I called his office and and told the nice lady that I wished to express my thanks for him doing the right thing. My wife said to add her's too. 8) :lol:
Just a thought, maybe nothing new to most here but I have to ask. How many here have called or written their Representative or Senator and thanked them when they voted in favor of stopping anti-gun bills, or any other bill we either approve or disapprove of. They damn well sure get a truck load of our bitches and gripes but do we ever thank them? Just might go a long way toward we having them vote our way more often. In anycase, it sure won't hurt.
Paul B.
This morning Obama says he is going to do more on the background check although congress has shot it down. Lo and behold he is going to start looking at the mental health portion of the background check. Isn't that something the NRA recommended? The only catch is what I read this morning in regards to New York State. It seems as though the whackjob Governor (Cuomo) ordered the state Police to get subpeonas for all the Psychiactric Doctors in New York, Take their mental health records, determine (their determination?) who they feel shouldn't have a gun and then knock on the door and remove the guns from the house. This is being done with the blessing of DHS. This originally was being done totally undercover as it is totally illegal but someone blew the whistle on them and now the sh-- is due to hit the fan. What the hell is this country coming to.
When psychiatric records are seized, those needing help will simply cease going for help. The world is sure to become a more dangerous place as result of such actions.
DrMike":c2y2kcs7 said:
When psychiatric records are seized, those needing help will simply cease going for help. The world is sure to become a more dangerous place as result of such actions.


"What a tangled web we weave when at first we try to deceive."

This whole thing is turning in to a cluster you know what. The fact that bureaucrats, LEO's, and politicians hold so little regard for liberty sickens me and makes me ask what we have become?
"This whole thing is turning in to a cluster you know what. The fact that bureaucrats, LEO's, and politicians hold so little regard for liberty sickens me and makes me ask what we have become?"

SHEEP! :cry: I;'ve said befoe that "Don't bother me I'm watching the game of whatever your favorite program is. Dunno if anybody paid attention but here's proof. :x ... e-is-right

Read it and weep. We're screwed!
Paul B.