This puppy followed me home.


Sep 10, 2006
This was a total impulse, dont NEED it, (yes I know that dosent matter) almost didnt really want it. But it was the first reasonable price on a rifle I'd seen in a year. I had the cheap Glenfield version of this rifle as my first .22. This one is a model 99C made about 1968. Like Fotis I saw the lumber and the next thing I knew it followed me home. :( Hope the I get a tax return or I'm just gonna have to sell it again. CL ... ed524c.jpg ... 75d681.jpg
Should be a good addition to your arsenal, Troy. Congratulations.
Troy I can not seem to get photos up on my phone :evil: but congratulations on the new rifle :wink:.

Thanks guys- wish I could get to the range and try it out. Need a cheap scope and set of rings..... and to hide the cabelas bill. :( :) CL

Thanks Fotis - check out that Herters Squirrel good too. CL
cloverleaf":2d8shnw3 said:
Thanks guys- wish I could get to the range and try it out. Need a cheap scope and set of rings..... and to hide the cabelas bill. :( :) CL

Oooh wait, Ive got a spare scope laying around here some where.... no wonder the rifle followed me home. THEY KNOW...dont ask me how, but they know. Stay tuned. :)
That is a Marlin Model 99c. From the little research Ive done it is the for runner of the Model 60. My guess is this one was made in '68. Looks like identical mechanicals (Haven't disassembled yet). The plus is, you get a walnut stock. Malin is currently selling a walnut stocked model 60 for something like $270 :shock: CL
Bad dog.... So what I have is a nice lookin' single shot. 7 of the 10 shots I tried resulted in jams. Looks to me like the elevator/ extractor spring may be bad. So, not that I mind a project. I like figuring things out, and I think this is within my level of expertise, But really...? I should just take it back to Cabela's and tell them to fix it. I could stand to get my money back as far as that goes it was a total impulse buy. Wont find another like it though.... decisions, decisions.... CL
Try Numrich Arms any one of the places like that. The Model 99 & 60 and variant Marlins have been made in the zillions. You should be able to find parts for it.
Sold it. Gonna regret that some day, more if I didnt. Priorities- it was a weak moment. Dang Walnut. CL