I'm sure it could be done, but it would be heavy and expensive. What's wrong w/ the plastic clip? They are single stack so they don't have as much pressure against the sides as a stagger stack clip.
The things that people point out as "negatives" are some of the things I like most about my Tikkas. I have had NO, NO problems with the magazines or anything else. The only problem I have is sometimes I shoot 3 times and can only find one hole on the paper. Cant figure out where the other two went! :wink:
Capt Brandon, for some strange reason we have the problem of Missing bullets with My Wifes Tikka, in .270, and my Hunting buddy's Tikka in .338.
As far as the plastic Magazines go, I've had more problems with metal mags in my AR then my plastic mags. When my friend went to Iraq, I bought him some plastic AR mag that I know would work when the chips were down.
I did not mean to imply there was a negative with the plastic clip. Heck, if it did not work well and if they commonly failed. We'd have read about it along time ago. Actually the only thing I found that was in a negative light, was the $$$ for a spare.. Actually its good to hear that you guys support them.
When I look at the laminate stainless model, I see an attractive marriage of wood and metal.............. Then I note the butt ugly plastic clip. Just me, I guess.... Kinda like having a 1970 Z28 with cheap plastic hubcaps from walmart, instead of kick-butt American Racing mags. Again, just me.. :lol: :lol: