We had horse shot this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Apr 20, 2007
Just found out that my father-in-law had one of his prize horses shot within the last two days. Looks like the "trophy" hunter made a great one shot kill right behind the shoulder.
This incident occurred between late dusk on Tuesday the 16th and the late afternoon of Thursday the 18th. It happened on the cutoff road that connects the Taylor Mountain road and the Wolverine Canyon road in Bingham County Idaho, Hunting Unit 69.

If anyone has any information on this crime, please p.m. me so that we can get some resolution on this.

Sorry to hear about this. Owning horses, I feel your pain and anger!
I hope someone comes forward with information that leads to justice.

Man that stinks! :evil:

We had an idiot shoot some llamas in a pasture on the edge of town a while back. Two bad breaks for the shooters: first, the cops caught 'em, and second the llama owner was the county prosecutor... :grin:

Really bad call to shoot those critters...

I sure hope your horse shooter gets caught.
Sorry to hear it. I love horses and this should never happen no excuse period.

Just shaking my head and wondering was it intensional or just stupidity? In any case when you hear that state DNR units are wanting to lower game law restrictions and age requirements for un-supervised hunters due to the reduction in the numbers of hunters. Well this is going in the wrong direction. We need to recruit and educate new hunters that respect and understand hunting reguadless if that new hunter is young or old.
Unfortunately, no update. The Dept. of Fish and Game dug the bullet out for evidence in case they can tie it to some other scumbag crime...but nothing new.

Thanks for asking.


Any more updates you can share?
I sure hope they catch these guys!

Reckless shooting , a neighbor of mind had 2 horses shot during deer season a couple of years ago. I just can't understand it.
6ppcar":20zrhcw7 said:
Reckless shooting , a neighbor of mind had 2 horses shot during deer season a couple of years ago. I just can't understand it.

Don't these guys check the backround anymore?
POP":17olxb0k said:
6ppcar":17olxb0k said:
Reckless shooting , a neighbor of mind had 2 horses shot during deer season a couple of years ago. I just can't understand it.

Don't these guys check the backround anymore?

I doubt that is it...

More likely idiots with guns who absolutely have to shoot something... anything.

I have seen enough of that myself...

MattC":1p43uvxd said:
POP":1p43uvxd said:
6ppcar":1p43uvxd said:
Reckless shooting , a neighbor of mind had 2 horses shot during deer season a couple of years ago. I just can't understand it.

Don't these guys check the backround anymore?

I doubt that is it...

More likely idiots with guns who absolutely have to shoot something... anything.

I have seen enough of that myself...


I concur 100%!
