Win 760?


Dec 2, 2010
Now that my 22-250 has found a new love for IMR4064, I have a pound of Win 760 on the bench and I don't know what to shoot it through. Here is what I reload as of now and plan to reload in the future.

.338/30-06/22-250/6.5 Grendel/.223 Rem/9mm/.357

In the future (within a year)
30-30 and .204 Ruger

Any ideas of what to load and with what bullet. I don't care if it is just light loads to practice with.
Thanks I did not know they were the same.

I might try it in my 06 and 338 for some practice. I might even find something I like???
When the Sportsmans Warehouse we had in Austin was closing its doors I stopped by to see what was left. I ended up with 2 lbs of 760 and 3 boxes of 30 cal 150 gr A/Bs. I used the starting load data from Hodgdon to fireform a lot of new Nosler brass in my M70 30/06. It was very easy on the shoulder on the bench.

Good Luck,
What I find crazy is that if they are the same, in my Lee manual, they are not even listed close to each other. The H414 is a hotter load than the Win760. Maybe I should try it again in my 06 and 22-250?
Different lot numbers account for the differences in charge weights. They are assuredly the same powder.
W760 actually looks pretty good in the 338 Win Mag with the lighter bullets, so you might hit a good load out of your rifle. I am sure it would work decent in your 30-06 as well. I may even give it a try in the 7x57 Mauser. Seems to be a really good one for that cartridge with alot of bullet weights.
"I may even give it a try in the 7x57 Mauser. Seems to be a really good one for that cartridge with alot of bullet weights."

I've been using W760 in my M70 Featherweight, a Ruger #1A and a custom FN Mauser. I worked up to 49.0 gr. with the 140 gr. Nosler ballistic Tipand Remington brass in tbe first two rifles but the load proved to be too hot for the Mauser. Accuracy was superb with groups usualy at ot very near .75" velocity was 2800 FPS on a hot Arizona day. Temp as I recall was around 110 that day. :shock: If you don't get out and shoot in the heat around here you just don't shoot. :( I strongly recommend that you start about 4.0 gr. lower and work up with that powder.
Just for spits and grins, I used W760 with some 175 gr. Hornady round nose bullets loaded to duplicate the original 1892/3 loads. THe M70 and Ruger #1 shot right at 2310 FPS which was close enough. Recoil was very mild and accuracy very good. However, when I ran that load through the custom Mauser, velocity was 2430 FPS with the very same charge. When my gunsmith made the rifle, he used a match grade barrel and chambered to minimum specs. This rifle will stay up with the M70 and beat it most times with smaller groups.
Those three rifles are on my favorite "They're keeper's" list. :lol: 8)
Paul B.
I've used 760 for years in the 30-06 with 150 grain Ballistic Tips, it shoots really well in more than 1 rifle. Just don't load a compacted load as ball powders are said not to be stable when compacted. I get 2900-3000 fps with the 150, depending on the rifle and it just seems like a sweet load. Many deer have fallen DRT from one of my rifles with 760.
760/414 will be too slow for your 22-250 unless you are shooting 70 plus grain bullets. I use it for a few calibers including: 7mm-08, .260 and 338-06. It was even tried in my 300WSM with decent results. It will not usually be the top performer for any of the calibers, but will give you another option if you don't have anything else around.
I didn't see a 308 listed, but it is the most accurate powder for my 308. It also did very well in my
22-250 for accuracy, but not real high velocity. Seem to work in any gun of mine where I would use
IMR4350 or Reloder 17.
It's usable in everything you listed except the pistols. Good general purpose powder that should be on every shelf.
clearwater":199bbdym said:
I didn't see a 308 listed, but it is the most accurate powder for my 308. It also did very well in my
22-250 for accuracy, but not real high velocity. Seem to work in any gun of mine where I would use
IMR4350 or Reloder 17.

I did not mention my use of W760 in the .308 because of all the flames I sometimes have to endure. I won't give the charge I use with the 165 gr. Speer Hot-Core in my Ruger RSI as it's way over max in one rifle I have. It's the only load that Ruger will shoot with any degree of accuracy. Not as tight as I'd like but more than usable for deer. The other is with the Sierra 220 gr. round nose bullet. :shock: Contrary to popular opinion the .308 will do a decent job with that bullet. I shoot it in a Winchester M70 with :shock: a 1 in 12" twist. According to all the "egg-spurts" in the gun rags you can't do that and get decent velocity. Let's see, the starting load is 42.0 gr. for 2177 FPS at 42,000 C.U.P. The max load is 44.0 gr. for 2295 FPS a7 46,900 C.U.P. In my M70, I get 2310 FPS from it's 22" barrel with the max load. Looking at the pressure of 446,900 C.U.P., it looks like I might even be able to go higher. Now if'n you check it, the 30-06 with 220 gr. bullet is supposed to do 2400 FPS in factory ammo, that is if they even still load that weight bullet. I sure haven't been able to find any. So the 30-06 is just fine at 2400 FPS but a .308 that's only 90 FPS slower is no good? Gimme a break. Now it's been said that a 30-06 with a 1 in 12" twist will not stabilize a 220 gr. bullet. My .308 does .375" with that Sierra bullet and a 30-06 custom mauser I have that also has a 1 in 12" twist is still shootin at 1.25" at 200 yards. So much for that old wive's tale. One of these days I'm gonna have to try it with the Hornady 220 gr. bullet to see if it does as well.
Paul B.