Winchester trigger adjsutment

Redneck Ron

Sep 30, 2004
Hey all--I am trying to a link that can explain how to adjsut the trigger on a Moder 70 Winchester I purchased last year--If anybody can help it would be appreciated.

Here's another one:


P.S. Concerning the 3 Action Screws

On a Model 70 Winchester, it's usually best to set all three screws to 20" pounds and then adjust the front & rear screws to 30" to 35" pounds - leaving the middle screw at 20" pounds.

There should be enough tension on the middle screw so that it won't shake loose, but not so much that it will warp the action or affect accuracy.

On most stocks with pillar bedding or aluminum bedding blocks, you can probably get away with using a higher torque setting. You will need to tinker a little bit in order to find (in inch pounds) what setting your rifle likes and then return to that setting every time the stock is removed. By using a torque wrench, that is pretty easy to do.

The best accuracy is also found with the front action screw fairly TIGHT on any bolt action. Winchester reccomends 65" pounds. Many shooters like even more snugness and prefer hex head screws for this reason.

The rear screw should be fairly tight, but it is the front one that does most of the work holding the action in the stock. And the middle screw (for guns that have them), should just be snugged down - just enough to secure the trigger guard and magazine box. Note: It has the potential to bend the action downwards if the middle screw is too tight.