Wow kiss da ABs?


Jan 17, 2011
My 257 AI has never done well w/ anything longer than a 100 gr Sierra game king. NBTs were ok (1.5-2 MOA) but nothing like the shorter. I just thought it was a preference thing; one of those weird "alchemical" nuances of rifles.

Until yesterday.

I decided to try kissing some 110s, which in my rifle lead to quite a long COAL that barely fits in my standard Mauser's mag. I'm going to investigate further, as I went all the way up to 50 gr RS-Hunter w/o signs of excessive pressure. As far out of the case as the bullet is sticking I have an awful lot of room but runout certainly is a concern. I've got 1600-ish rounds down this tube and wondering if a set back & recut is in the near future but I'm not in the mood to mess w/ this!

Anybody else kissing Accubonds?
As is true for many bullets, there are always exceptions to the rule. In fact, dare I say that the exception makes the rule. I've seated ABs close to the lands on several occasions with good results. More recently, I've obtained slightly better accuracy and more consistent results by giving a longer jump to the lands. Long story short, there are many firing systems in which seating ABs close to the lands will yield good results. That is a fine group, Eric; it is truly brag-worthy. Congratulations on both the load and your own riflery. Good job.

Very nice buddy. That is good to go right there.

That is a very nice group :wink: sure makes it difficult to change anything when you put up something like that!!

Very nice! My 7mm WSM used to like the older style ABs seated real close to the rifling. Shot quite a few great groups. They changed the bullet and I had to back them up a ton. I would run with that if it repeats all day long.
Congratulations! Great group and double great shooting. I Hope it repeats for you.

I am still trying to find a good seating depth for the 140 AB in my .270 Win. I have high hopes. Maybe I need to try closer to the lands, like you did.
Thanks guys.

I have a Hornady OAL gauge so I measured COAL to just engage ogive to rifling. I sat the bullet just a hair shallower, covered the ogive of a dummy w/ black sharpie & got a tiny little square where each of the lands engaged the bullet. It wasn't, however, so much engagement as to pull the dummy apart upon extraction which is obviously important for a hunting round.

I appreciate the compliments on shooting but I have to say that if you've never tried one of those targets you gotta. They're amazingly user friendly! This rifle wears a Leupold M8 6x 42mm w/ Euro #4 reticle which isn't fine at all, but this target made it exceptionally easy to line things up and I'm changing to this from the yellow-backed one w/ 5 red bulls which had been my favorite.

Thanks again guys. I'll keep y'all updated as testing continues. Hoping to run em over the chrony on Saturday.

Good luck with the next range outing.
We need to head up to Cedar soon. ;)

The 110 AB's shoot great in my .257 Roberts as well, loaded long with either IMR 4350 or Hybrid 100V powders.
only thing I'd do with that load is write down the recipe and make more of em. :p


If it's shooting the 110's like that after 1600 rounds I would not worry about a barrel for a long time unless accuracy or a bore scope told me to or I found a barrel I could not live without but that barrel seems to be doing fine and you for sure have done your part ! Nice load and I think I have a few 110's ?? Might try them in my Mark V 257 Lazer rite off !!