“You didn’t build that . . .”


Jun 24, 2007
Stole this from another forum. Good read.

- President Obama

July 27, 2012

Dear Mr. Obama,

Normally when you utter something so colossally idiotic I tend to see what everyone else does and if its all been done I’m not going to throw out my opinion on the matter. The “Obama Depression” is about to claim the last bit of my 401K and I’m trying to get this new idea off the ground so I’m a bit busy. This little letter writing gig is a voluntary effort, with all due respect to those who seem to think I’m a some famous writer grand standing their true self, or some rich guy doing this because I need to vent. I’m none of that. If I did make that claim I would be as bad as you. Because through out these reactions to that utterance I realized something.

You, Sir, did not build you. Please allow me to explain. Every step of your life has been prepared for you. Every moment you were pampered and buffed for the next phase like some kind of imaginary character in a television program. From your mother to your girlfriends to your job history and your lack of real world skills. It’s frankly miraculous that you kept the facade up for so long. To repeat; you did not build you, someone else did that.

Well, us common folk “Joe Doakes’s” out in the hinterland don’t have that option. We don’t have the safety net of a group of rich socialist friends that are going to protect us at every turn. We are on our own. And for every improvement we make in our lives there is someone out there, thanks to all of your class rhetoric, that thinks they have a legitimate claim on my labor or my dwindling wealth.

You never felt blame. You never had to stare back at your wife and explain why that second mortgage isn’t getting paid. You never had to live with less so others could have more. You never had to sacrifice what you wanted so someone else could have a shot. You never built a life on merit and exposure to risk nor attempted to serve the public good in the vain of politicians like Henry Clay. You never did that.

There’s this guy running for office. His name is Mitt Romney. He has done nothing but that. No one told him when to “zig” or “zag.” No one told him to do what when. He just did it. Mr. Romney is a “Do the right thing” machine. That’s what he does. He’s like one of those perpetual motion machines that you could buy. You can just count on it. That’s what America needs, someone it can count on to relieve it from the madness that is Washington D.C. by any means necessary. Because if you haven't noticed you didn’t build that city.

We did.


Joe Doakes
Absolutely right on! Barry absolutely has been coddled, prepped and educationally oiled by his Socialist friends via William Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn since he applied to Occidental College when he was 18 years old. What Barry says about not being an independent creation certainly applies to himself, as he has been the Manchurian Candidate, buffed for this since he was a child.

If he is not the child of Communist, Frank Marshall Davis, why has he been sleeve jobbed with this special treatment since he was a child. His supposed father, the senior Obama, would never have created or been able to raise the level of Socialist financial interest and certainly not the support of Barry's expensive educational preparation unless he is Davis' illegitimate child! Barry the Wonderkind of American Socialism! What Barry described for preparation support was all about himself because that is all that he talks about!