Alaska 16 seasons and counting


Dec 13, 2013
Well I'm sitting around staring at the walls I head north on the first. Mowed the pastures, got three years of firewood in the shed, washed and waxed the pickup. Everything put away in the shop, swept the garage. Tomorrow will be nice and warm so I'll set up my big wall tent for a couple of days and let the sun beat on it. One more range day, access to a crony, so I'll shoot the Jarrett and the 375. One more trip to Costco on Friday, date weekend with Sande. I still need to take the hard top off her jeep and install the bikini top. Sande will drop me and Molly Dammit at SeaTac on Monday. Home sometime in mid September.
Hope you all have great adventures this summer, stay safe and well.
Have a great summer, Don. Sounds like typical final rush to make yourself ready. Trust it will be a great season for you. Looking forward to hearing from you when the hunting season returns.
The forecasts look good for sockeye and silvers. We are a long way from the Kenai, so we still have a king fisheries. Rainbows and char, lake trout and grayling will be great. I'll be careful Bill and maybe still get some grizz photos.
Just returned, wow has it been dry in the northwest this summer. We had an outstanding season in Bristol Bay. Fishing was great, weather was outstanding to good; only a few days that we couldn't fly and only one late pickup due to unexpected weather. Most of the guests will spend two days on fly outs during a one week trip.
The Kings returned in numbers we have not seen in years, spectacular to see them up on the spawning grounds. Sockeye numbers were insane. I believe it was July 8, the commercial gill nets killed 1.8 million at the mouth of the river. Every one in camp who wanted sockeye limited in under an hour.
Silvers started slow but came on quickly. Guy should have a great trip.
Rainbows, char, dollies and grayling were all fishing well.
Quite a few more grizzlys this summer. Rare not to see a few during the day. No trouble, but we saw bears on every stream we waded. More caribou too.
I'm off this week then down to Oregon to start guiding pheasant hunts next Sunday.
This retirement job is turning into work.
Good to see you home again. Yeah, retirement can turn into work if you're not careful.