Ok, this is far from pretty and very far from done, but I had a box of the 265 ABLR ridding around in my truck and I had to shoot some. I was a bit rushed to get it done on my work lunch, but I was able to gather some basic load data. All shots had Nosler brass with a WLRM primer. The goal was to start with a .020" jump, but case capacity on a few of these just wouldn't allow it, so a few ended up in the lands. A drop tube would solve this I think. This is far from professional and is meant only to provide some very rough data for anyone considering the 265 ABLR. Please start low and work up in your rifle. This was done out of a 26" tube.
I loaded up some test loads with RL-26, RL-33, and Retumbo.
I shot the RL-33 first. I had 2 shots of 97 gr. First shot did 2898 fps and the second did 2886 fps and cut the first shot. I LOVE it when load development starts like that. 98 gr. was 2923, and 99gr did 2949 fps. Both 98 and 99 were closer to the lands than the 97 gr load as I was running out of case capacity. A drop tube would help here, but I think that RL33 might just be a bit slow to get the most out of this combo. I never hit any pressure here, just ran out of case capacity.
Next up was RL-26. I have had great luck with this powder with the 250 VLD (89 gr). I thought it might be a bit fast for this bullet, but I knew case capacity wasn't going to be an issue. I started with 85 gr and worked up to 87 in 1 gr. increments. 85gr. did 2913 fps, 86gr. did 2923 fps and cut the 85gr shot, and 87 gr did 2989 fps. 87 gr was hot, sticky bolt lift and ejector marks. I feel that 86 was safe in my gun. All of these were about .020" off the lands.
With the Retumbo I started at 96 gr. And with that charge I couldn't get the powder so settle enough to get the bullet seated to the same depth as the other rounds. So I took the one load of 96 gr and shot it with the bullet touching the lands.....3016 fps and hot. I'll try 94 and 95 gr in the near future. I think that Retumbo might be able to produce more speed than RL-26 in this case.
Here is an ugly pic of the results. When I get some time I'll do some more work and not be rushed about it.

I loaded up some test loads with RL-26, RL-33, and Retumbo.
I shot the RL-33 first. I had 2 shots of 97 gr. First shot did 2898 fps and the second did 2886 fps and cut the first shot. I LOVE it when load development starts like that. 98 gr. was 2923, and 99gr did 2949 fps. Both 98 and 99 were closer to the lands than the 97 gr load as I was running out of case capacity. A drop tube would help here, but I think that RL33 might just be a bit slow to get the most out of this combo. I never hit any pressure here, just ran out of case capacity.
Next up was RL-26. I have had great luck with this powder with the 250 VLD (89 gr). I thought it might be a bit fast for this bullet, but I knew case capacity wasn't going to be an issue. I started with 85 gr and worked up to 87 in 1 gr. increments. 85gr. did 2913 fps, 86gr. did 2923 fps and cut the 85gr shot, and 87 gr did 2989 fps. 87 gr was hot, sticky bolt lift and ejector marks. I feel that 86 was safe in my gun. All of these were about .020" off the lands.
With the Retumbo I started at 96 gr. And with that charge I couldn't get the powder so settle enough to get the bullet seated to the same depth as the other rounds. So I took the one load of 96 gr and shot it with the bullet touching the lands.....3016 fps and hot. I'll try 94 and 95 gr in the near future. I think that Retumbo might be able to produce more speed than RL-26 in this case.
Here is an ugly pic of the results. When I get some time I'll do some more work and not be rushed about it.