300 Win Mag


Apr 5, 2014
First loads for the new 300 Win Mag. Will try some others after I get it on paper.

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First go round with a 26” barrel so I’m not sure what to expect. I might need a slower powder but didn’t want to start out with too much of a compressed load.

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I load that bullet for a friend in the 300 wsm. He's very happy with it!
Powders there N160 and Norma MRP. Don't know if they work in the win mag.

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Scotty has me working with RL26 with a 180gr AB and even with my top load there is no compression though I do use a 4" drop tube.
I've been told you need to stay right around 90-95% case fill to get good powder ignition in large cases and could experience double detonation with light charges from what I have read but have never experienced it since I try to keep my charges to at least 90%. I have and do occasionally lightly compress some powder charges.
With lighter bullets I have been trying faster long grain powders to get the desired case fill.