3006 180gn Hornady I’lock RN over 60.4 gn of enduron 4955


Dec 26, 2016
Made it to the range over lunch today. Being two miles away, I sometimes hear the range if the highway noise is light. Would be nicer if it was my backyard, but I can drive two miles if need be.

I have a couple pounds of 4955 and decided to try it in my Savage 111 22” 3006. Leupold HD5 1-5x scope. I used 5x. The crosshairs covered my 1” dot at 100 yards.
0.02” off the lands.. almost on canelure.

R&P brass, annealed, necks turned.

Basically under 3/4 inch with 5 powered scope is probably better than I can shoot.

61.0 grains was comparable.

Loads under 60.4 ran 1.5”.

I think I have a nice load for white tail or black bear this fall.

Hodgdon recipe says 2828 at 61.0 gn for a 180gn bullet.


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I did look up the spec on the 180RN interlock.
Expands 2400-3400.

I read that to say in my 3006, I need to be mindful of v(loss) by the time it impacts game.

I’ll repeat my ladder with NBT. I have some 180’s,(and 165 PT).

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Well you can’t argue with those results MJ. Looks like you’re all set. Great shooting.
Yeah, I could live with that for whitetail and black bear. I do believe you are set.
2400 FPS minimum speed for expansion?
Did I understand that correctly?
Seems rather high for a c&c bullet.

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noslerpartition":19pw7pxz said:
2400 FPS minimum speed for expansion?
Did I understand that correctly?
Seems rather high for a c&c bullet.

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Yes, that’s from the Hornady 11 manual. Absolutely agree that’s slim range for a 3006.

What’s really funny is the 150gn Hornady Interlock RN #3035 is rated 1800-2500.
Vs 180 RN #3075 rated 2400-3400.
I don’t know that I could get my 300 WM to make 3400. Probably need a weatherby cartridge.

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JD338":3hfslyvh said:
That'll work.
Nicely done Mark.

Off topic a bit, but swinging by a title company in Manistee on Thursday. :)

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Reversing myself.

The BC on that bullet is 0.24

If my MZv is 2828fps,
At 100 y. 2449fps
At 150 y. 2272fps
At 200y. 2102 FPS.

I should have done my homework first.

I picked a bullet that’s a little too hard for 3006 speeds.

The 300WM should be giving an MZvof about 3100-3200 with a 26” barrel.

I was surprised it would shed 700 FPS by 200 yards.

I used the Hornady Calculator and their data for bullet properties (was preloaded in their library).

I’ll give the NBT a try. If it doesn’t agree with 4955, I’ll try RL22 or RL26.

I think I have a NBT recipe for IMR4350 that was tight… might have been a 150 vs 180.

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Given the low BC you might not want to test the bullet, but with accuracy like that and limited component availability I would be sorely tempted to do a couple of water jug tests to confirm or deny the velocity needed for expansion.

Honestly I think the 180 RN interlock will expand down around 1800 fps or even 1600 fps with some reliability; if so it might be a good brush / back bear load. I think that 2400 fps is either a misprint or it is for a set expansion diameter - if so I think it might be 40-50% over initial diameter.

FYI - I'm basing my comments on a friend that uses a Krag with I believe the 180 grain RN Interlock. He hasn't shot much game with it, but what he has been put down in short order.
2400 velocity for expansion mins on that Bullet seem way off. I’d be tempted to load it with a little 4895 around 1800-2000 and jug test it. Almost seems fairly unusable the way it is. That narrow window of speeds and low BC would make it quite narrow of a use category.

But the accuracy is excellent! Nice shooting.
I think that bullet will be fine at 30.06 speeds . I loaded this bullet for Dad to practice with, he always shot factory ammo for hunting . the 180 round nose was his bullet of choice .
I’ll see if I can find some jugs… being lactose intolerant… lol.. don’t have many 1 gallon milk jugs, but the neighbors have 4 kids…

I am a fan of RN FP and HP bullets in cup and core…

So consensus is leaning the way I was… Rn cup and core should expand fine at 3006 speeds.

This rifle is fond of bullets in general.. so if the jug test goes poorly.. I have choices…

I should be fine on components this season…good bullet choices and good on powder options.

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With even Barnes etc going down to 1800 FPS, I think 2400 for a normal cup and core without extremely thick walls isn't realistic

Looking forward to your jug-test.

Don't they have lactose-free milk in jugs?

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Seems very odd. I would be surprised if it didn't have results that were steered the other way. Good for whitetails, maybe not as good as you'd think for black bear, etc. I bet the penetration wont be what you'd think with a 180 gr bullet out of an 06.

RN bullet with plenty of soft lead up front, and in a bullet that's not particularly tough to start with. If you don't get around to it, I might test one myself. Got plenty, and I'm running them 2700-2730 approximately, depending on the rifle.
I'd take your load hunting without any worries. Departed friend of mine used Rem 180gr RN CL in a 308 Win Rem 760 carbine 18.5 in barrel and never had any trouble collecting deer. Dan.
Tjay":3eig7owi said:
My Hornady 10 lists 2400 to 3400 as muzzle velocities not impact velocities.
Thanks TJay. You are absolutely correct.

That’s a recommended muzzle velocity.

I missed the heading!

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ShadeTree":16w28iec said:
Seems very odd. I would be surprised if it didn't have results that were steered the other way. Good for whitetails, maybe not as good as you'd think for black bear, etc. I bet the penetration wont be what you'd think with a 180 gr bullet out of an 06.

RN bullet with plenty of soft lead up front, and in a bullet that's not particularly tough to start with. If you don't get around to it, I might test one myself. Got plenty, and I'm running them 2700-2730 approximately, depending on the rifle.
Thank you for the Jug test!

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