Cow elk success


Jun 2, 2011
My son Dustin shot this cow elk Saturday morning. 250 yard shot with his Rem 700 .270 Win. Handloaded 130 gr BT. He hit her right behind the crease and she only took about 10 steps before dropping.

We had my daughters boyfriend along for his first hunt. He got first shot but missed. We have 3-4 weeks to remedy that.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas to you all!
Congratulations to Dustin! No doubt he is well pleased with his cow. She will provide fine dining this coming year. We're pulling for your daughter's boyfriend to score as well.
Excellent! Congratulations. (y)

Yes, the 270 Win, and the Ballistic Tip bullet, are quite capable of taking elk.

Pretty wonderful. You all have some terrific meat to enjoy, after that great hunt!

Regards, Guy
6mm Remington":klx5d057 said:
Way to go. Were you able to recover the bullet??

Unfortunately I left my son with my brother to start quartering out the cow while I took Mason after the herd. They were unable to locate the bullet. The entrance was larger than from my partitions. The results were essentially the same.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I will update you when we get Mason his very first kill if any kind! It’s so fun and rewarding to take the kids out!
Congratulations to Dustin. That is a nice looking cow. Good luck to your daughter's boyfriend.

Well today was the day Mason got his cow. After a short hike into a hidden canyon we found a herd of about 15 elk. After a well executed 150 yard shot, Mason had his first kill! 270 Win with 150 gr. Nosler Partition Handloads did the trick! He actually shot her twice tho the second shot was not needed. Both clean pass throughs.

Congratulations! The young man did a fine job. The reward of his effort will feed him for quite some time.
Thank you! He was very excited and ya already looking forward to next year. Oh and the smoked tenderloin was amazing!
Congratulations to Mason. The young hunter, the rifle, and the bullets all performed excellently.