Recent content by AFG270

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    The battle at Thermopylae

    Calling our President and Vice President punks? Geez!
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    What time do you retirees get up?

    I've been retired for 9 years and usually get up between 5am and 6am. Sometimes I wake up at 4am and can't go back to sleep.
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    Favorite Loads for the 7-08 Remington

    When I had my 7mm-08 I shot 120g BT's over Varget, excellent combination.
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    130 grain E-Tip

    I've shot a lot of mono bullets over the last several years and had the same problem with Barnes TSX in my son's 243 and in my 270 win. We switched to ttsx in his 243 and they were a little better, but still penciled through on a couple deer. Hammer bullets have been amazing on deer from a 243 win.
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    Looking for reloading data for 22-250 and Reloder 16

    Give CFE223 a try when you do your RL16 load, it probably won't be as fast, but it gives excellent accuracy with several bullets in my 22-250.
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    130 grain E-Tip

    My 270wsm was very accurate with 130g Etips and I had excellent results on deer, but I never could get Etips to shoot accurately in my 25-06. I finally gave up and tried lead-free Hammer bullets, bughole groups and excellent terminal performance on deer and coyotes.
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    Missing My Dad Tonight

    My dad was a pilot in the Air Force in WW2, stationed in New Guinea. He didn't talk about it either. He flew a cargo plane and was attacked on take off, his plane caught fire and he was the last one out and was slightly injured. Our Boys took care of the threat. He passed away in 2012 at the...
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    Looking for reloading data for 22-250 and Reloder 16

    Good info, Jim! I used RL17 with the 77g TMK and it worked pretty good, but I had better accuracy with a couple other powders.
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    Looking for reloading data for 22-250 and Reloder 16

    Not the 60g Partition but I use CFE223 in my fast twist 22-250 with Nosler 70g RDF's with excellent results.
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    Nice score tonight!!

    Let's hear you sing that Dr.Mike! I still have a couple hundred of the first cci LR primers I bought in the mid 70's, I'm glad there isn't a price on them. I shot a few recently and they still go bang!🎆
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    Must have powders

    IMR4350, Varget and RL26 as I still have several pounds of it. I've been trying the VihtaVuori powder N550 and so for it's working well.
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    22-250 Remington & 64 Gr Sierra Tipped Gamechanger, HELP?

    My Tikka lite T3X has a 1:8 twist and shoots 70g RDF'S over CFE223 into bug hole groups and 63g Absolute Hammers over Vihn N550 the same, plus drops coyotes in their tracks.
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    Good bye

    Well said!
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    Good bye

    Good bunch of guys here, don't let one bad apple spoil things for you. Pass it on to the moderators and let them handle it!
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    Federal’s 7mm Backcountry

    Interesting! Thanks for sharing, Gerry.