Recent content by ElmerThud

  1. ElmerThud

    Hornady Cam lock puller

    I have the Hornady Cam Loc puller & it works just fine. Interchangeable collets for different cals. It's a decent an inexpensive tool & way way better than a kinetic hammer - simple to use too & never had a deformed bullet when using it
  2. ElmerThud

    QL request… 6.5x55

    Commercial hunting in Scotland is quite expensive now.. friends & I did quite a few some years ago on Duchally, Corrour & Loch Choire estates between 2004 & 2012, but prices rose significantly after 2012. It's always with the estate stalker &/or his ghillie. Though after the estates realised we...
  3. ElmerThud

    QL request… 6.5x55

    I've never tried 140gn SST's in my 6.5x55 so can't comment. I shoot reds, stags & hinds. fallow, roe, feral goats both male/female - pretty much all in Scotland. The reds can be very big Galloway stags, over 300lbs dressed out, most are not so big - hill stags really, however, all shot using...
  4. ElmerThud

    95gr VLD can't hit paper out of a 1:8 6CM

    A 1-8 twist usually prefers a heavier bullet so I guess 95gn bullets are just a bit too lightweight. A 95gn bullet shoots well usually with a 1-10 twist just my tuppence worth
  5. ElmerThud

    QL request… 6.5x55

    Nice rifle, a left hooker, quite rare. Mannlicher's are just great. I have several, a Stutzen Classic in 6.5x55SE (The next model from yours) & 2 old Mannlicher Schoenauer's in 6.5x54 MSch... one a 'Takedown' is proofed in 1922 & the other a Stutzen proofed in 1936. They're very accurate out of...
  6. ElmerThud

    How fast is too fast for a Nosler ballistic tip bullet?

    I often see a blood vapour cloud from lung shot deer with a 100gn bullet at 3220 fps MV - the deer don't run far - maybe 10-20yds before they collapse - dead as a dodo by the time I walk to the beast. Performance of the bullet has always been as perfect as you could wish for - smile & be happy...
  7. ElmerThud

    Barrel cooling interval during ladder test

    Depends very much on the ambient air temperature & as said barrel thickness. I wait until the barrel is properly cold & zero per first shot on the cold barrel. I rarely shoot more than 3 rounds from clean, cold barrel. Almost never change scope settings. It's then 100% accurate for hunting
  8. ElmerThud

    6.55x55 loads

    Cool stutzen very similar to mine, but a year or two earlier. Your Mod. M looks like it's the 'Luxus' model. The difference between your & my rifle is in the magazine type, bolt & safety. Superb rifles. Really great slick bolts on the Mannlicher rifles. Hold the trigger & tip the rifle downward...
  9. ElmerThud

    6.55x55 loads

    I use IMR4350 (46gns) in my 6.5x55SE by the way but I'm using the Hornady 123gn SST bullet... reckon it would work with a 140gn bullet but possibly IMR 4831 would work better with the heavier bullet.
  10. ElmerThud

    6.55x55 loads

    Nice stutzen rifle you have there. I love them & have two... one an old 1936 Mannlicher Schoenauer 6.5x54MSch the other a 1997 Steyr Mannlicher 'Classic' 6.5x55SE
  11. ElmerThud

    Savage 30-30

    Thanks for doing my research Geo. I plan to give the 170 gr FN bullet a try. Given the .311 groove Dia. At the muzzle and the age of this old girl, I think I need something longer to grab more of the lands. The other option is something larger in Dia to do the same.
  12. ElmerThud

    OAL bullet seating frustration

    Seat your bullets as you normally would & use a bullet comparator (Maybe Hornady or other manufacturer) to measure the OAL from bullet ogive. It's much more consistent. As previously said - bullet tips vary, even the plastic tips though they usually vary less than soft lead tips. A bullet...
  13. ElmerThud

    Savage 30-30

    Thanks lads, I'll make sure Dan, my friend in Colorado sets to with his cleaning kit. I reckon Dan'll be happy if he can get his groups to 2" at 100yds I'd never shot with an underlever rifle before so an interesting experience for me when I was there a week or so ago. It's a nice rifle & with a...
  14. ElmerThud

    Savage 30-30

    I just recently returned from visiting a friend in Colorado who had bought the rifle above - it's an old rifle of 104 years with 26" barrel. It seems in pretty good condition & nothing nasty in the barrel. However, we tried various different loads with two propellants H322 & H4895 (They seemed...
  15. ElmerThud

    British totalitarianism

    Never heard of this over here in UK & it certainly doesn't seem like a realistic proposition. Media hype I guess.. besides, I think our new Labour Government has more important things to worry about... Like taxing us more. Labour = Socialists = a nice word for Communist! = Happy as long as...