Recent content by Jimbeaux82

  1. J

    UPDATE***Explain will not chamber...

    Yoteklr you are correct. It will only work on a 375 H&H based case diameter
  2. J

    UPDATE***Explain will not chamber...

    The problem is likely exactly what flyingagg describes. Conventional dies cannot size right above the belt in cases that are shot in z as different rifle. Only the Willis or Wilson? Die will fix this. I have run into this issue many times before with brass I have picked up
  3. J

    Steiner Predator 4 scopes

    I received my Steiner scope yesterday and mounted it on a rifle today. This evening near dark I tested the following scopes against the Steiner Predator 4 2x10x42. 1) Swarovski 4x12x50 AV 2) Zeiss 3x9x40 Conquest MC (Meopta made) 3) Tract Toric 2x10x40 4) Trijicon 3x9x40 Huron 5) NF SHV 4x14x50...
  4. J

    Steiner Predator 4 scopes

    I have 2 pairs of Steiner binocs that I hunt with and they are excellent. Looking thru some of the “claims” on the Predator 4 series got me interested mainly in low light performance. I have ordered the 2x10x42 on a good Black Friday deal and will be comparing them to the Trijicon Huron, ZEISS...
  5. J

    Steiner Predator 4 scopes

    Any one of our esteemed members have any experience and opinions on the Steiner Predator 4 scopes?
  6. J

    6.55x55 loads

    I am using VV N160 in mine with 140 gr bullets with great results as well. The VV powders have been more available than most and sometimes even cheaper
  7. J

    What will be your cartridge/rifle of choice for this fall? Second?

    so many choices, so little time! Since I will be only hunting deer this fall, will probably rotate 257 R, 25/06, 270 Win, 6.5x55, 308 and 30/06. Might throw in a 7 mag as well.
  8. J

    2024 Spring Brown Bear Hunt Report

    we did have a decent supply of baby wipes with us and used them but after 12 days that first shower and shave felt wonderful!
  9. J

    2024 Spring Brown Bear Hunt Report

    You guys dont miss a trick! Here is the story. As I said earlier, I spined the bear on the first shot and it was academic after that. But since it is a dangerous animal, my guide kept telling me to shoot as long as it was moving. So on the second shot when the bear picked up his front half I...
  10. J

    2024 Spring Brown Bear Hunt Report

    Guys, although I did not post alot about getting ready for this trip I did have a few posts asking about outfitters and load/caliber suggestions over the past 2 years. I just came back from my long awaited hunt so decided to post a report for those who might be interested. I hunted with H&H...
  11. J

    Reload 380 ACP using 9mm dies?

    Question for our pistol reloaders, can you reload 380 ACP using 9mm Luger dies?
  12. J

    Bullet Identification

    That’s where they are from.
  13. J

    Bullet Identification

    I bought a batch of assorted pull down bullets last week and got 7 of these strange bullets I cannot identify. They are .277 diameter, 113 gr weight, no visible hollow point and 3 grooves, obviously an all copper bullet. I was thinking this might be intended for a 6.8 SPC or 277 Fury but that is...
  14. J

    Wet Weather/Alaska/Brown Bear hunters

    First Trijicon I have owned. Don’t think it will be my last
  15. J

    Wet Weather/Alaska/Brown Bear hunters

    Also have confirmed my open sights are on to 100 yards. My main scope is a Trijicon 3x9 with a green dot! Trying to cover every base