Here in EU/Hungary the hunting is incredibly overregulted and observed by the goverment.
Every hunting party/association must have a wild game fridge in their territory. When they shoot a game they can put it in this fridge or take it home. The accociation can get money if their sell a meat...
Thaks a lot!
I just loaded 2 AB with the same COL and powder weight. Probably it will be also a "poison pill". AB likes the speed more.
(Meanwhile the postman just brought my .366 BT bullets I found at one riflemakers website. For the 9,3x74R :cool: )
Just got some experience with Sierra.
I shot one fallow deer from aroun 130meters. I placed the shot just behind the shoulder blades.
I was shocked as it run arund 80meters than dropped dead.
As I approached it I saw the massive wound. The entry side was just about caliber size right through a...
I have a Mauser M12 Extreme in 308. (With STOCON stock and a Hicmikro Alpex) :love:
I use Winchester Staball Match powder and 165gr Sierra BT. (unfortunately I did not measured the velocity but it must be around 750-800mps.
I manage to shot 6 roe deer, 1 red deer, 1 fox, and 1 badger with it...
That is absolutely true.
Every hunter friend of mine is in love with one specific bullet type. In November I will go for a second run for stag.
Since 2015 when I bought this gun I use AB, and I still stick to it
I do have a .38 Mauser M12 with customized stock. I may put some pictures about...
I still have one can IMR3031 which I use for this.
And also some: Stb 6,5, Match, RS60 (RL-17)
Probably will start to try some 285gr bullets also, but it mourns for some spped for sure. :)
To be honest, it is still my favourite. I have Partition, PPU, Lapua Mega, Speer SP around me and still not seriously thinking about the change. I will rather speed up a bit.
Due to the denser vegetation in the area where I usually hunt a bloodtrail sometimes would be really usefull, that one I...
It's been a while I posted anything here but now it is something worth to mention.
Just lately I managed to shoot my very first Stag. The antler seems over 11 lbs (5-6kgs), the weight without head and processed was 305lb (138kgs).
The shot distance was roughly 120m. The AB fracture the...
I meant only just the bullets itself.
Well I have to re-plan probably. Here the customs tend to become very curious about packages.
Nosler and Sierra ammo here is like the white crow... but as I read in US also.
Although it is a senior thread and may nit be tge appropiate one for my question but I do nit want to open new.
In November I will go to US. As many bullet here is almost impossible to get I have a vision that I may manage to buy some boxes from nosler/sierra/speer.
But I have no clue if...