Recent content by Lorka

  1. Lorka

    Sierra load info

    Here in EU/Hungary the hunting is incredibly overregulted and observed by the goverment. Every hunting party/association must have a wild game fridge in their territory. When they shoot a game they can put it in this fridge or take it home. The accociation can get money if their sell a meat...
  2. Lorka

    Sierra load info

    The meat demage can make difference when the wild game meat buyer pays 1/3 price because of massive meat loss.
  3. Lorka

    Sierra load info

    The massive exit wound on fallow deer. Due to the expansion of bullet.
  4. Lorka

    Sierra load info

    Here some pics: The exit hole with the stomach content. Female red deer.
  5. Lorka

    Sierra load info

    Thaks a lot! I just loaded 2 AB with the same COL and powder weight. Probably it will be also a "poison pill". AB likes the speed more. (Meanwhile the postman just brought my .366 BT bullets I found at one riflemakers website. For the 9,3x74R :cool: )
  6. Lorka

    Sierra load info

    Just got some experience with Sierra. I shot one fallow deer from aroun 130meters. I placed the shot just behind the shoulder blades. I was shocked as it run arund 80meters than dropped dead. As I approached it I saw the massive wound. The entry side was just about caliber size right through a...
  7. Lorka

    Sierra load info

    I have a Mauser M12 Extreme in 308. (With STOCON stock and a Hicmikro Alpex) :love: I use Winchester Staball Match powder and 165gr Sierra BT. (unfortunately I did not measured the velocity but it must be around 750-800mps. I manage to shot 6 roe deer, 1 red deer, 1 fox, and 1 badger with it...
  8. Lorka

    9.3 250 Accubond

  9. Lorka

    9.3 250 Accubond

    That is absolutely true. Every hunter friend of mine is in love with one specific bullet type. In November I will go for a second run for stag. Since 2015 when I bought this gun I use AB, and I still stick to it I do have a .38 Mauser M12 with customized stock. I may put some pictures about...
  10. Lorka

    9.3 250 Accubond

    I still have one can IMR3031 which I use for this. And also some: Stb 6,5, Match, RS60 (RL-17) Probably will start to try some 285gr bullets also, but it mourns for some spped for sure. :)
  11. Lorka

    9.3 250 Accubond

    To be honest, it is still my favourite. I have Partition, PPU, Lapua Mega, Speer SP around me and still not seriously thinking about the change. I will rather speed up a bit. Due to the denser vegetation in the area where I usually hunt a bloodtrail sometimes would be really usefull, that one I...
  12. Lorka

    9.3 250 Accubond

    Soo, here is the perpetrator :)
  13. Lorka

    9.3 250 Accubond

    It's been a while I posted anything here but now it is something worth to mention. Just lately I managed to shoot my very first Stag. The antler seems over 11 lbs (5-6kgs), the weight without head and processed was 305lb (138kgs). The shot distance was roughly 120m. The AB fracture the...
  14. Lorka


    I meant only just the bullets itself. Well I have to re-plan probably. Here the customs tend to become very curious about packages. Nosler and Sierra ammo here is like the white crow... but as I read in US also.
  15. Lorka


    Although it is a senior thread and may nit be tge appropiate one for my question but I do nit want to open new. Soo, In November I will go to US. As many bullet here is almost impossible to get I have a vision that I may manage to buy some boxes from nosler/sierra/speer. But I have no clue if...