Sierra load info


Sep 29, 2004
Yup, I know this is a Nosler forum but sometimes you just stray a bit. Anyone have a Sierra manual they’d screenshot and post for the .308 Win using a 165 Sierra Game King bullet?
Thank you, very much appreciated. I figured I’d start with some H4895 today and see how they shoot. It’s a Tikka compact with a 20 inch barrel so I’m not expecting max speeds, just hoping for some decent accuracy.
So I ran some H4895 today. 42.5 grains yielded a .63 inch group for 4 shots. 43 had 3 shots just a smidge tighter but the 4th shot opened up a bit and ran 40 fps faster for that final shot. Going back this weekend with some more at 43 and some at 43.5.
So I ran some H4895 today. 42.5 grains yielded a .63 inch group for 4 shots. 43 had 3 shots just a smidge tighter but the 4th shot opened up a bit and ran 40 fps faster for that final shot. Going back this weekend with some more at 43 and some at 43.5.
Looks like you might be on to something.

So I ran some H4895 today. 42.5 grains yielded a .63 inch group for 4 shots. 43 had 3 shots just a smidge tighter but the 4th shot opened up a bit and ran 40 fps faster for that final shot. Going back this weekend with some more at 43 and some at 43.5.
There you go. Sounds good.
IMG_2844.jpegIMG_2831.jpeg…and I’m done. 43 grains held 4 shots right at an inch, 43.5 opened up a bit and printed 1.5 inches higher. I cut my targets up and did an overlay of all my shots with 42, 42.5 and 43 grains. I threw out the farthest 2 shots and 14 hit within 1.2 inches with the different powder charges. I decided to load several more and split the difference using 42.8 and went out to 200 yards. Off the bags 3 shots measured right at 1.5 inches. I did something I rarely do and attached a bipod out of curiosity. Those 3 shots were just a touch lower, I assume due to mounting the gun differently as it’s a taller bipod and I’m more directly behind it, but still grouped at 1.75 inches. Considering the crosshairs probably cover 3/4ths of an inch at 100 and I’m not trying to chase extreme accuracy in a hunting gun, I’m more than happy with this load.
I have a Mauser M12 Extreme in 308. (With STOCON stock and a Hicmikro Alpex) :love:
I use Winchester Staball Match powder and 165gr Sierra BT. (unfortunately I did not measured the velocity but it must be around 750-800mps.
I manage to shot 6 roe deer, 1 red deer, 1 fox, and 1 badger with it. It is soo good that I'm still not to load other cartridge.
I have some BT loaded also.My rifle just shoots in the same group.
Love it.
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Just got some experience with Sierra.
I shot one fallow deer from aroun 130meters. I placed the shot just behind the shoulder blades.
I was shocked as it run arund 80meters than dropped dead.
As I approached it I saw the massive wound. The entry side was just about caliber size right through a rib, the bullet expanded and the exit wound was a fist size massive hole.

Just about an hour later I shot a female red deer. I just managed to shot at the last blink before she dissapeared. The entry hole was more likely around the liver-belly part and excited around the lung end part.
It run around 200meters and than sat down. It gave a good blod trail but the stomach content blocked the exit wound and most of the blood stayed inside.
I had to gave a mercy shot.
The bullet is probably 750-800mps which maybe a bit fast.
Congratulations on your success. The 308 Win with 165 gr bullets is a match made from heaven.

Congratulations on your success. The 308 Win with 165 gr bullets is a match made from heaven.

Thaks a lot!

I just loaded 2 AB with the same COL and powder weight. Probably it will be also a "poison pill". AB likes the speed more.

(Meanwhile the postman just brought my .366 BT bullets I found at one riflemakers website. For the 9,3x74R :cool: )
Funny to me when someone says look at all the meat I lost. Too big of hole.

That's nonsense.

A 2 " exit hole versus a 4-5" exit hole is about 4 ounces of meat lost at most. At most!

most times that shot is exiting out the rib cage so the actuql lost meat is even lesd