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I don't mind big holes, but bloodshot meat is not my thing. I tend to put shots behind the shoulders and into the ribs on thin skinned game, since I don't eat rib meat on deer. when it comes to tough critters like nilgai, its another story. Got to put them in the neck or the boiler room. I cut out some bloodshot meat from the ribs on that nilgai and some from the neck area, no big deal,,,just wash the blood off and grind. ;) Soon I'm coming for some whitetail does before the MLD season ends , bringing my
6. 5 x 284 , some MLD ranch wants to thin its doe herd, 100 bucks per doe, not bad at all.
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The meat demage can make difference when the wild game meat buyer pays 1/3 price because of massive meat loss.
That's nonsense and illegal.
We're not talking about a deer hit with some RPG rocket.
The meat loss due to a bigger exit hole is absolutely negligible.
A 2 inch exit versus a 4 inch equals about a quarter of one half percent lost.
Three bites lost from a supper plate? Possibly two ...possibly none pending location of exit.

It's nothing.

Selling wild harvested game howver will get you a visit by the game commission and in some areas the real 5-0 themselves and possibly time in a cell
That's nonsense and illegal.
We're not talking about a deer hit with some RPG rocket.
The meat loss due to a bigger exit hole is absolutely negligible.
A 2 inch exit versus a 4 inch equals about a quarter of one half percent lost.
Three bites lost from a supper plate? Possibly two ...possibly none pending location of exit.

It's nothing.

Selling wild harvested game howver will get you a visit by the game commission and in some areas the real 5-0 themselves and possibly time in a cell
You do realize he's in Europe? On a bunch of European countries and places like South Africa they sometimes market hunt and it's legal.
You do realize he's in Europe? On a bunch of European countries and places like South Africa they sometimes market hunt and it's legal.
Obviously I didn't but the fact remains and staying on the subject of meat damage..

It's negligible. Three, four bites of meat at most. At it's worst.

Unless people are shooting animals with RPG's nowadays and perhaps where ever that poster is from they are🤷😲🤷😲
Here in EU/Hungary the hunting is incredibly overregulted and observed by the goverment.
Every hunting party/association must have a wild game fridge in their territory. When they shoot a game they can put it in this fridge or take it home. The accociation can get money if their sell a meat. The meat is processed and collected by a professional company who cleans and resells it to restaurants. It is massively observed and regulated by tonns of food related checkpoints.
And if you shoot a wild game not properly you can make a difference.