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    Braso for brass cleaner

    Decidely untrue about the aqueous solution. The first instances of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) were encountered in India back around the 1890s. Back then, it was called season cracking, since it seemed to occur during the monsoon season. It was later discovered the cause was ammonia...
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    Time to rebarrel - What caliber?

    No. A fired 7mm Magnum case is 2.5" long, so just cycle the bolt to the stop. (A loaded .308 round is 2.800" or so.) Removing a loaded round on such a rifle requires pulling the bolt out of the receiver. This allows enough rearward movement for the tip of the round to clear the front edge of...
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    Time to rebarrel - What caliber?

    It works, but the rifle's a single shot. See my previous post re: 7mm Rem Mag in a short action 40x. For proof, look at , about halfway down the page:
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    Time to rebarrel - What caliber?

    Calibers including 7mm magnum were available in short action Remington 40x's. Worked fine, unless you needed to extract a loaded round - in which case, pushing the bolt release was required, since the round was otherwise too long to come out through the loading port.
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    Time to rebarrel - What caliber?

    Is the rifle going to be a repeater or a single shot? Since your current chambering is a .243 AI, I'm assuming you're using the rifle as a single shot. However, if it's a repeater you're after, it may be less troublesome to stay with a cartridge similar to the original one for the action. For...
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    Action lenth question, help.

    With a single shot rifle, there is no problem using a short action length casing in a long action rifle. For many years, long action receivers were the only way Winchester and Savage rifles were available. For example, the original .22 Hornet Model 70s used long actions. Where problems occur...
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    Spotting Scopes

    Mike, Rule #1 - Forget about seeing bullet holes at longer distances (beyond 300 yards). Mirage can be so bad that seeing holes even at 300 yards is sometimes problematic. If you're shooting highpower, targets are pulled and marked after each shot, and the spotter is 3" in diameter out to 600...
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    target size?

    There are lots of different types of 1000 yard competition, and lots of different targets. For long range prone (no rests or supports other than a shooting jacket and a sling) shooting in the US, the "LR" target is used. Dimensions for the LR target (and a few others) can be seen at...
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    What's a GOOD score?

    Bigwheels, If you're in the Seattle area, how did Marilyn Solis do? She's your best benchmark in that area. Failing that, Steve Podleski and Ron Herms also hold pretty well. Scores in the 190s are pretty good - high 190s are better. But remember, 200-0x always beats a 199-19x. :grin:
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    Carbon Steel verses Stainless Steel

    NO! Stainless steel has terrible thermal and electrical conductivity - usually worse than that of other alloy steels. 416R stainless has a conductivity of 25.1 W/m- 'K, (source: ... N=52980000 ) 4340 chrome-moly's therrmal conductivity is almost double at...
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    6.5 WSM

    I've heard more than one account that this wildcat is a barrel burner - too much case capacity, too small a bore diameter. For example, a target shooter in Canada built one, and found accuracy life to be about 300 rounds. The inaccuracy was due to bore erosion - on firing, the hot gasses eat...
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    Shooting Jackets And there are others. Personally, I like the Creedmoor ones. And they're running a sale on them right now.
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    silencer for sendero

    Rick, Thank you, but I have no need to contact Mr. Jones. Even he will install suppressors on rifles firing supersonic ammunition. Need proof? From : And NOTE: Subsonic ammunition for a .50 Peacekeeper does not exist. The "muzzle device" in the...
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    silencer for sendero

    It appears this depends on the state. In Texas, it is not legal to hunt game animals with a suppressed rifle. On the other hand, I once emailed the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and received the following reply:
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    silencer for sendero

    This assumes the cloth isn't blown away or shredded by the muzzle blast. A large volume case (Magnum or .50 BMG) will do just that. No. From And Is it of little or no use that a shooter can take a suppressed hunting rifle into the field and: Fire...
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    silencer for sendero

    Since you missed it before, from (PROJECT MANAGER SOLDIER WEAPONS, SOLDIER WEAPONS ASSESSMENT TEAM REPORT 6-03, OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, 31 July 2003) re: XM107 rifle (Barrett .50 BMG rifle): And for the M24: The "higher source" pushing fielding of...
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    silencer for sendero

    Rick, Considering it's the "hunters" in the Army that are pushing for the change I feel it's perfectly relevant to the discussion. And you were the one that brought firing from inside a room into the discussion in the first place.
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    competition shooting

    So long as there is not a muzzle brake installed, yes. Brakes are banned from NRA rifle competition. Anywhere there is an NRA prone highpower match (300 yards +), F-Class shooters may participate. Worldwide, there are darned few "F-Class Only" matches - usually less than 5 each year...
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    silencer for sendero

    Why is the US Army looking at suppressing 7.62 NATO and .50 BMG sniper rifles when they have ZERO intention of supplying subsonic ammo for them? Why are SWAT entry teams suppressing 5.56mm assault rifles, while employing supersonic 55, 62, or 75/77 grain ammo? ANSWER: They're suppressing...
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    competition shooting

    Find a match near you, and go. Observe, maybe pot a few rounds downrange. During breaks at the match, or better yet, at the "local watering hole" AFTER the match, ask lots of questions.