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  1. D

    .260 velocity varies with temperture

    I shoot an Encore with a .260 Bullberry Medium Custom Sporter barrel. My barrel is also floated using the Bullberry hanger system and I installed an over size hinge pin from Bellm back when I was just using it as a muzzle loader. My trigger pull is 2.5 pounds with Bellm springs and polishing. I...
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    not happy with 180 BT's

    The pattern at the top of the first target, which is marked 44gr don't look all that bad to me. It's my opinion, that group of shots would be tighter if the shooter was doing his part. In other words, are you doing everything the same for each shot. Breathing, trigger squeeze, sight picture...
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    Barnes MRX

    Everything I read says they are a great bullet. But until they get on the shelf and you can buy them, who knows how they will perform. The TSX is a great accuracy bullet, but there is a lot of mixed feelings about it's killing ability. It looks to me that barnes has fixed some of the TSX...
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    Talk about a compressed load

    You guys are right , that load is for the 300 Weatherby Magnum. What a dumb ass mistake. Nope, did not try to shoot any, as a matter of fact never loaded any. Was just looking at loads in the old manuals and comparing them to some of the latest Lee data.
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    Talk about a compressed load

    I have an old Speer 1998 reloading manual and was looking at some of the 300 Win Mag loads it recommends. After looking at several, I decided to load one. Here is the recipe for the minimum load,............. Remington 300 Win Mag case, sized full length. Powder--H1000 87Grs Min. load------Max...
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    Any one tried 165 BT's for deer?

    I shoot the 165 in a 300 Win Mag and it drops deer like a rock. However, I don't load them real hot, because I don't want the bullet to blow up if it hits good solid bone, I want energy inside the deer after penetration. 2700 fps 24" from the muzzle is what works for me.
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    180 gr Ballistic tip

    Looking to load some 180gr 300 Win Mags. Would like to know what is the optimum speed for proper "Performance" of this bullet. Minimum FPS/Maximum FPS Would be nice if Nosler would ad this info to their reloading data. Maybe then the Ballistic tip wouldn't get some of the negitive performance...
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    Powder measure

    R Flowers, I'm doing the same as you right now. Just thought there might be a better way. :(
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    Powder measure

    I have a Redding old style manual powder measure that refuses to throw a consistant charge. No matter how I adjust the powder drum calibrator it will throw a heavy charge sometimes and/or a light charge. It has never thrown 2 charges of the same weight. It's always a couple of grains over or...
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    When trimming cases what tolerance do you hold? Example: Book calls for case to be trimmed to 2.25". Do you work at it until you have that dimention on ther money, or do you allow .002, 005, 010, over/under.
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    300 Win Mag

    Will be hunting African plains game up to 800+ pounds. Looking for recommendations on best bullet and load for a 300 Win Mag. I have been told that African game, example Kudu are a lot harder to bring down than our western elk. Where I am going Namibia Africa, all game shot and lost are paid...
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    Bullberry barrels

    Anyone here familer with the Encore barrels made by Bullberry in Utah. I'm looking to buy two new barrels a 300 Win Mag with a brake and a 260 Rem. Any comments recomendations would be appreciated.
  13. D

    Stoney Point tool lying to me? Help

    I have found that when using the SP gauge, you want the bullet to slide easy in the neck. Then when you push it with the plastic rod, as soon as you feel pressure on the bullet you are in the lands. Lock the rod and take it all out of the chamber. If the bullet falls out, so what,just put it...