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  1. B

    What's the difference in the Ballistic Tips and the Accubond

    I quote 100% Bud! I have used 130 grs. BT in my .270 Winch. for many years hunting Roe deer and Chamois (kinda Mountain Goat) on the Alps and I NEVER had a bullet blowing up on the "surface". As a matter of fact, ALL of my shots but one were complete pass through, from different ranges and...
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    Recovering bullets...

    Hi gents, what method can be used for recovering bullets (@ the target range) to check expansion ? Someone told me to use soaked newspapers..... Awaiting your replies. Thanks :wink:
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    ...a little doubt

    At what stage in the seating process are you feeling resistance? RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING What type of bullet are you using? 100 grs. NOSLER B.T. Are you using identical brass? YES - RWS What type and brand of dies are you using FL RCBS...
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    Question for you Experts

    Thanks "John" :grin: for your reply. I would exclude the "touching barrel" issue, since I am pretty sure the barrel is not touching anything and is like a free-floted one. My rifle is a K95 BLASER Kipplauf, and the forearm is a separate piece which is "slightly" connected to a small lug...
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    Question for you Experts

    :grin: What causes vertical spreads or horizontal spreads in groups? And, how do you solve them? Increasing powder load, changing bullet seating...? Thanks :wink:
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    ...a little doubt

    Hi Gents, I am trying to develop a good hunting load for my 6,5x57R break open single shot rifle. I think I am to a good point, since I can regularly get a 5 shots within a 2,5-3" group @ 200 yds. (I am using a 6x scope with thick crosshair, which covers 0.7" @ 200 yds.) Once in a...
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    go big or go home....

    OK...First of all let me punctualize once again these are my beliefs, my opinion. I do not mean to judge nor to teach anybody....BUT............... If we continue along the scenario some of you have pictured, we'll soon all be hunting with a .50 caliber, shooting game from the hood of our trucks...
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    go big or go home....

    Thanks for reminding me POP.....I almost forgot... I thought we were talking about hunting and not 1000 yds. target shooting. Experienced Hunters DO NOT shoot beyond a certain "ethical" range (..let's say...350 yds. max?), because you end up wounding the animal TOO MANY times and Deer are not...
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    go big or go home....

    I feel this is one of the "eternal" question for which a final answer will be hard to achieve. Please, allow me to throw in my 2 cents. OK, I agree it's better to exceed than lack seems to me this race to go larger and heavier will never end. Even though I know you can easily kill a...
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    Neck annealing...

    Hi gents, I have started to anneal all of my cases and actually found an easy an practical way to carry out this operation. Question is: Should I anneal prior to re-sizing and trimming or after these two steps? Which one do you think is the best method or it doesn't matter? Thank...
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    Reloading of 6,5x57R caliber...anyone?

    Thank you for your reply. I do not think there is a substantial difference in performances between the "R" and Rimless version, with maybe a tiny more poke on the latter. The dies are the same and, apart from the bottom, cartridge dimensions do not differ. Unfortunately, I am loading NORMA 204...
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    Reloading of 6,5x57R caliber...anyone?

    I know I may be poking a cloud, but is there anyone on this forum who has or had any experience in reloading this "typical european" caliber? If so, please raise your hand, as I would like to contact you for exchange of information/experience. Thanks :wink:
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    Coming to differences in accuracy, within the same or similar weight range (e.g. .264" 120 BT vs 125 PART) what's you experience? Are there subtantial differences in the field? Looking up the BC, there shouldn't be! BT 120 --> .458 PARTITION 125 --> .449 Been shooting only BT so...
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    Harris screw

    Guys, does anyone of you know where to find the screw on the subject. Is the one that goes right underneath the forearm and has the little ring attached (Hex nut long threaded). I think my bipod is the 8-11" Appreciate your help. :wink:
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    To You 6.5 Shooters...

    First of all, ...hat off to You ! :wink: I'd like to pull your jackets and hear your voices on which HUNTING bullet (Brand/type/weight) in your experience has performed the best. I'd appreciate if you could report. Please, also indicate what caliber - barrel length - twist rate you are...
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    Switching bullet type....

    Some say that, if you shoot a different bullet brand right after another one, your Impact point should change dramatically. This mainly due to different material composition in the jacket and not because of change in type. So, let's say I am shooting a Nosler 120 gr. BT and then I switch to a...
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    Heat treatment for case necks

    Since I had some neck cracks on few (too many) of my cases, I would like to try to "treat them". Before giving it a try, I'd like to get some hints from those of you Guys who already have experience in this practice. The caliber I need to work on is the 6,5x57R, very similar case to the .260...
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    Dear NOSLER, I know you are more (I hope not exclusively :cry: ) focused on the US market and I understand, but please do not forget of us European shooters who do not want to switch our habits to the other side of the pond's customs :wink: I am sure I can speak on behalf of other shooters...
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    Case neck cracks

    Sorry Rick, I have expressed myself in a wrong way (my english is slipping away... :cry: ). What I meant was....I could put a new bullet into a fired case without resizing, since the neck results to be pretty much the same as a resized one and that shows (IMO) that the chamber...
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    Case neck cracks
