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  1. R

    quick load request for 270 please

    I hate to ask but my curiosity is forcing me to experiment. Can I please get a quick load work up for 270 in a Remington Model 700 22 inch barrel Powder IMR 4451 Bullet 130 gr Barnes TTSX
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    My son put the 7-08 to work again

    Jimbeaux with 43 gr of H4895 I am getting a four shot average velcity of 3025 fps.
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    Seating depth in a long-throated Tikka...

    I too have a Tikka T3x in 7 Rem mag. Based on my experience in loading for this rifle you can load that at whatever length that you want and they will shoot well. Now that you have your node I would create some loads as long you can effectively hold in your magazine and then work backwards...
  4. R

    270 load good enough for elk?

    I got the response I wanted and assumed I would get. Thanks guys!!
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    270 load good enough for elk?

    Received a box of 270 Barnes TTSX 130 gr bullets. I decided to use a tried and trued powder charge of IMR 4451 that has shot really well with multiple 130 bullets out of the 270. My 4 shot group is .510 inches. My velocity is right at 3000 fps at the muzzle. First attempt with this bullet and...
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    Modern ML Suggestions

    I shoot a CVA Optima and have shot it for about 15 years. I have killed several deer with it. Shoots very accurately. My son just popped a doe at 125 yards at the the end of KY black powder season. For bullets I use Barnes 250 gr bullets.
  7. R

    IMR 4064 in 270 Win??

    First attempt was not too impressive. A 4 shot group at 1.518 inches. I used the same seating depth that produced cloverleaf groups with a different powder. I will probably still try to play with it since I have so much 4064 but I am not too hopeful on finding "a keeper" .
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    IMR 4064 in 270 Win??

    Thanks a lot for the quickload and the info on Jack O'Conner. I just loaded up some 130 gr BTips to try out. I will let you all know how they shoot.
  9. R

    IMR 4064 in 270 Win??

    Thanks Dan! My plan was to use either the 130 BTip or hornady interlock. Looking at the speeds I would be down at least 100 fps from what I usually shoot but I figure it is worth a shot to see how it groups.
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    IMR 4064 in 270 Win??

    Has anyone tried this combo? I had never considered pairing the two together but I was doing some reading and looking online and it struck me that I have a full pound of it and I have never tried the two together. I have found some data but I wanted to ask for some real world experience from the...
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    85 gr Barnes TSX for .243

    Thanks for the input. I loaded up some today to try with some Hybrid 100V.
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    Barn find rifles cleaned up.

    Can't wait to hear how they shoot!!
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    85 gr Barnes TSX for .243

    I have bought some 85 gr Barnes TSX to try in my son's 243. My thoughts are that the 85 gr TSX will perform as well as a 95 gr factory (lead cup and core load) and they were currently available. Any experience by anyone loading or hunting whitetail with these bullets? I would appreciate any help.
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    2021 Missouri Firearms season

    Enjoyed the recap! Very nice job this season!!
  15. R

    143 ELD-X, 6.5 PRC factory load

    Looks like pretty good performance!
  16. R

    Good deer morning on the knob.

    Thank you gentlemen.
  17. R

    One for the PRC

    Nice buck and obviously nice shot, congrats!!!
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    Shot a decent 8 yesterday.

    Very nice deer and good woodsman skills!!
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    Good deer morning on the knob.

    Went out for the first time all season by myself this morning. I was covered up in deer all morning. Ended up seeing 9 does and one little buck. Was luck enough to drop 2 does. First doe came over the knob at 7:45 and walked directly to my stand. She stood still at 30 yards with her head up and...
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    Scratched off the bucket list

    Congrats, nice work on a nice buck!!