Search results

  1. E

    Hiking with my Cat/Dog Ari!!!

    Cool! Now I have to ask....Is he gun shy?
  2. E

    270 Win

    I think that load is just fine!
  3. E

    bacon wrapped back straps and wild hog ribs

    Sure enough fine cooking! I wish you had a trailer load of my wild hogs! :)
  4. E

    Ah Mazing range results 6.5 Creedmoor

    Mighty fine!
  5. E

    Don't you hate brass trimming

    I don't have a Giraud trimmer but have the Hornady Case Prep thing. It's motorized but very slow.
  6. E

    Agenda 21 explained

    Thank you Homer! I am forwarding these to others. It is as I suspected.
  7. E

    Which rifles are on your wish list?

    Model 71 Winchester A real good Model 30 Remington A good Savage 99 303 A 725 Remington A Featherweight pre-65 Model 70 in 270 A good 1917 Enfield A good 03A3
  8. E

    Winchester M 101 12 gauge.

    Beautiful shotguns and sure balance well!
  9. E

    Savage AccuTrigger design flaw

    I encountered what Gerry did with my 114 7MM mag. I tend to pull the trigger from the right edge. I was not putting my finger across the trigger far enough to depress the lever. I prefer a narrow and smooth trigger and most people seem to prefer a wide and even ribbed one.
  10. E

    Same bullet weight different bullet and POI

    I always back off the load I'm using when changing bullets and then work up. I have always seen a change in POI although some might be suitable for big game not suitable for a varmint rifle. In my limited experience, the change has been worse with small diameter bullets than in larger ones.
  11. E

    Inverted primer strike?

    Agree with TackDriver. Think this primer was very close to blowing.
  12. E

    160 Accubond Buck....

    Fine shooting and a fine buck!
  13. E

    My first deer in 5 years

    A beauty!
  14. E

    No longer needed - .250-3000 brass

    I bought some new Hornady 250 Savage brass a few months ago.
  15. E

    Young Girl Bullied Over an Elk

    Disgraceful treatment of the young Lady and her Father.
  16. E

    THE HUNTING RIFLE: Jack O'Connor

    A fine book!
  17. E

    All new members enter here.

    I am working down south of Pecos, Texas. I'm a landman but assigned to construction on a pipeline. Live NE of Lubbock about fifty miles. Have a small ranch property and plenty to hunt but have used decades paying for it. I've been reloading for fifty years and seldom shoot factory ammo. Thank...
  18. E

    All new members enter here.

    I'm a new guy here. I really like your forum. 66 years old and in the oil field. I plan to retire and shoot and hunt all I can. Thanks, Mike