I'd call the area biologist and ask them questions about habitat, deer density, ect.
http://www.gohunt.com/read/skills/devel ... -biologist
Guy, I didn't mean to sound accusational in my post. My apologies. I see so many photos in different magazines where the hunter looks mad that they harvested game.
All I've ever used has been the 150g BT on deer. I never saw the need for anything larger but that's just my opinion. If you like the idea of 180's then I'm sure it will work just as well. Shoot what you think is best or what your gun shoots best. I prefer less recoil with the lighter bullets...
Expired bakery items have been very good for me. Corn rolled in molasses is a great option. I always use fryer grease. The more the better in my opinion. Peanut butter is another great bait. I try to avoid using meat.
I've only shot one bear with a front stuffer and I used a 295g powerbelt in front of (3) 50g pellets of 777. The bear was a 200lb dry sow and she didn't make it farther than 40 yds. I've watched bears run farther with 30-06 slugs in them. The best blood trail I've ever seen was from a 100g G5...
I've only hunted in Alaska once and if given the opportunity to do it again I will drive. We flew last time. The biggest hassle was wondering if we would be flown out of the bush on time to catch our commercial flight home. We allowed for two days between our bush flight out and our commercial...
Congrats Guy on the hunt of a lifetime. I moose hunted up there in 2013 and the scenery was breath taking. We hunted 40-50 air miles west of talkeetna. Flew past Denali, and saw lots of game. My only complaint about the whole trip was the weather. We were grounded for two days before our hunt...
I don't own any of them so my opnion is worth what you paid for it. A buddy of mine has a 6.5-284 and loves it. I want to own something different just to knock him off his soapbox. I've heard the saum's are slightly more efficient than the wsm's but I have no real world experience with either...