Black Bear Baiting


Jun 4, 2016
Here in Ontario Canada we can bait for Black Bear spring and fall, for folks that bait what is your go to bait formula and method
Dig a 3' diameter hole about 18" and fill the bottom with some rocks. Add about 300 lbs of dry dog food and pour a pickle bucket of fryer grease over it. Cover it with 6' logs. You will also want to cut a sapling at 30" and strip off the bark 2". The 6' logs are used as a gauge to determine the length of the bear hitting the bait. The 30" marker is another gauge to determine height at last light.
Only a bear can move the logs so that will keep the other critters from eating your bait. Anything that steps into the fryer grease will lay down one nice sent trail that leads right to your bait.
My other favorite is fermented grain. A few pickle buckets filled with corn, water and sugar will keep them coming back for more.

Good Luck!

Popcorn works well with some form of coating like syrup, melted marshmallows, chocolate syrup. Oats and molasses works well also. I've used chickens left out to get ripe as well as carp and other fish too. The meat is better for the stink and carrying scent unless you hang a scent burner. Bears love just about anything sweet over most other things. I have used a bunch of dog food in place of popcorn over the years like Jim mentioned and it tends to fill them up faster but it's also heavier to pack to a bait if your walking in a ways to it.

I like using a barrel because it controls how much they can get to at one time. When I use to throw it out on the ground they would go through the bait like crazy. A barrel strapped to a tree can also be used to judge the bears.
Expired bakery items have been very good for me. Corn rolled in molasses is a great option. I always use fryer grease. The more the better in my opinion. Peanut butter is another great bait. I try to avoid using meat.
For black bears, we've had good luck with Ol Roy cheap dog food, molasses and anise oil (what gives licorice it's flavor) for a scent attractant. Old pastry works well thrown in to the mix. Black bears seem to have a real sweet tooth.

We've also had good luck with beaver carcasses but if you have griz in the area they will be on it like white on rice. Same thing for old fryer grease....anything "meaty/greasy" seems to drag in grizzlies more than black bears.
Dog food coated with powdered sugar or peanut butter make a great base. Pastry and molasses hog feed also works.

Anise and vanilla for calling scents. Batem 907 bait balls scent pellets, raspberry powdered jelly mixed in water and sprayed around is good too.

A few years ago a dairy supplier I worked for had the freezer go down. I got access to a ton of thawed 3 gallon tubs of ice cream. The melted ice cream when mixed with popcorn makes a great sticky, smelly bait, the Bears went wild over it.

I have a buddy who worked for hostess, got all the expired twinkies and donuts. He just lays them in a pile on the ground and is very successful. Squirrels go crazy for the mini chocolate donuts, they'll almost climb in the bag before you can dump them! I watched a snowshoe hair eat a jelly filled donut one time, craziest thing I ever saw

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