I am looking at muzzleloader hunting and muzzleloaders
What have you successfully hunted with a muzzleloader ?
Has anyone here hunted Grizzly, Africa D/G, or even moose with a muzzleloader ?
perfect response Dr Mike
Jamila I am unable to afford a double, but would love to have one and appreciate the information. It is something we dont get to read or discuss here, at least not as often as we discuss the pre 64 model 70 Winchester in the 30-06 caliber--There is probably nothing...
+ 1 I am with you Dr Mike and also agree with Rodger
Thank you Jamila, I will probably never get there, but it is good information. I had to look up musth.
I agree with the advise written in the article posted by Guy and the comments made by Hodgeman, Bear78, Dr Mike, Paul and cheyenne.
Good information and guidance.
I would like to point out one thing however. Bear, Hodgeman, Dr Mike, Gerry are in the part of the world that if it doesn't work...
I dont have a story to share about being lost but I will tell you that my wife and I were more than a little impressed with how well our friends in Montana and Cheyenne in the Northwest Territories of Canada can "read" the wilderness, the weather, and the animals. I am sure their are several...
miller--thank you for your service and get well soon and get back out there
We get excited every year about going to visit friends and hunting in Montana.
We also sometimes envy Cheyenne, Gil, and Hodgeman, as they can substance hunt year round, but it is a trade off of sorts, because if we...
Dr Mike, I remember my father and mother getting into an argument one time about Elizabeth. I remember mom telling dad he would have been sorry if he had married her because she doesn't know how to cook and she wasn't even jewish. I remember us kids hiding and laughing as she took him to task...
It is hard for me to feel sorry for those who live in California when I live in New York
but all kidding aside, I am in full agreement with what the others on this thread have said before me
Very well said Charles. That is a very well written and accurate post.
I noticed you also mentioned religion. I am surprised that you remember the hard time they gave me for being Jewish, but I thank you for remembering and your support. I was never harassed as much as the ladies were...
Cheyenne, I, for one, have the utmost respect for you. I am not man enough to do what you do or live how you live.
I would guess that those who attempt to silence you could not keep up with you for ten minutes.
Scotty, Dr Mike, Hodgeman, Nathan, Dewey, Bear78, Gill, Guy and any and all others who hand load
500 S & W out of a 16 inch barrel
440 Hardcast, 325 Swift, 400 Woodleigh----which were the ones mentioned on this thread---at 50to 100 yards--does it matter ? I am serious and curious, as I am...
Charles, the one thing that doesn't sound like is "fancy"
April, thank you for starting this thread, got those of us who occasionally see a black bear, it is a great thread to read. A lot of great experiences have been shared. We have not even heard from Gerry and Gil I dont think. A...
LOL, very nicely played Dr Mike
I would actually choice the 45/70 lever, but since I have never hunted the big bears, just having that rifle does not put me in Dr Mike's or Cheyenne's class.
Bear, as a flat lander, I am curious on when one decides. Slugs, Bean Bags, Crackers, or a rifle. I am serious by the way, as someone who has never stared down a bear, isn't it to late to change from one to another once the contest begins. How do you decide which to take with you or I guess I...
We have a Henry and like it. It is the steel/round barrel version and the barrel is only 18.5 inches, walnut pistol grip stock, love it I think the one hodgeman speaks of is the brass/octagonal one with a 22 inch barrel.
BTW Hodgeman, really enjoyed your articles on a different thread, thanks...