Anybody from Oregon Care to C"omment on This?

At one time Oregon was a blue collar state, full of men and women who worked hard and sought the American Dream. As a young man I noticed a migration north word from California of those tired of the glitz, taxes, regulations and California life style. They have essentially replaced the native Oregonian with far left, individuals who worship others money, hate our Consritution, and those who believe in the value of the collective style of government and humanity. The crime rate has increased, Portland is overrun with homeless and transients, and is allocating millions of new dollars to house them. Taxes are high and the thirst for money to expand government is never ending. We called it Californication, and it has effected Washington in a similar manner. This "proposed" legislation probably will go no where , but you never know, with the liberals propensity to attack our constitutional rights. Have a great fourth.
Bill , I've read this many times . people leave California to get away from all the things they don't like , but they turn their new living area into exactly what they left behind . I think Colorado is getting like this in places too .

Dr Mike , federal law , and the constitution , are just not that important in some of these areas . I can't imagine the amount of money it would take to fight this .

we live in crazy times .
It's happening here in the Treasure Valley (Boise and surrounding areas) too Jim. They leave what they don't like and change the new place into the same crap hole they left. I wish I could talk my wife into moving at least 10 miles away but 20-30 would be better. She is a city girl and deals with the people, me not so much, but it was only 75,000 people when I moved here and now it's probably over 250,000 and growing like cray still. I tried to explain that after so many people and places to shop, etc. there is no upside to more people. All it does is reduce your quality of life with more traffic, higher taxes, and all the other negatives.
I'm not surprised,

This is the kind of thing that happens when liberals are in charge. They think that since they are "enlightened" that means they should be in control of your life in every aspect.

Removal of your personal rights
Government intrusion into your life
decisions made from others in secret
every bit of your behavior observed and controlled
The Constitution be damned

Sure, they love it as long as "they" are the ones that are in office. I'm always amazed that these kinds of folks are so easily fooled by the pipe dream of liberalism. Sold to them by the ruling class who are bought and paid for by special interest. Everywhere this is tried it ends in failure yet, they migrate on to another place and screw it up too.
Like a cancer, liberalism spreads, always destroying and despoiling where it is, knowing that it can move to another place that favours conservatism. Because the conservatives are not militant, the liberals gain a foot hold through infiltration and the promise of utopia. Oregon is only the first of many as Idaho and Nevada experience the slow death of the faux promise of a liberal paradise, like California, only better.
Unfortunately DrMike hit the nail on the head since it is the same everywhere.
The slim sneaks out of the Metropolis into the surrounding country side seeking the peace and tranquility and then slink back every day to work but bring their problems with them since they still want the so called feel good experience they had in the Metropolis and just like an uncontrolled disease they spread it every where they go just like rats.
5shot":25f6opgo said:
Parts of Western Montana suffer this too.

I can believe it! It is too wholesome and attractive not to experience such an invasive migration from lotus land, with those entering determined to recreate the utopia they left, always with someone else's money.
This is exactly why middle america voted to drain the swamp and unfortunately I think he is finding the swamp was deeper than he thought----the left wing media, continues to ignore the stock market is up, the illegal border crossings are down, etc etc etc---they ignore that Hillary gave our uranium to Russia, but go nuts that junior meet with a lawyer from Russia one time--and the Obama administration let her in our country illegally.

Dr Mikes post above explaining how liberalism spreads like a cancer and they do so by being violent and the conservatives are not violent Dr mike is 100% correct and to be honest it may be time for us to fight fire with fire and take our country back!

No one is against immigration, but we are against ILLEGAL immigration--what part of ILLEGAL--does the left not understand
It is hard for me to feel sorry for those who live in California when I live in New York

but all kidding aside, I am in full agreement with what the others on this thread have said before me
Yes Oregon has become a cess pit of socialism. The voters are too stupid to understand what they vote for, when they check that box for a democrat candidate. In Oregon there is no such thing as an actual democrat. Every Democrat candidate is a Socialist Anti Constitution lying prostitute for big $ outside Oregon influence.