I think that with the RIGHT people using them, they are a very capable hunting tool. With that being said, I'd prefer that the woods arent full of idiots walking around with 30rd magged semi-autos. You arent allowed to use semi-auto rifles for hunting in PA and I'm fine with that. Don't take...
I think all the clanking and rattle noises put me off more than anything. They are compact and handy rifles for room clearing and such. I just think our goverment could arm our soldiers better. The first M4 i was issued would shoot a fist sized group at 25 meters! Of course it was my fault not...
Ok guys, some of you know that I have strong negative feelings about the m16/ar-15 platform. These negative feelings are based on my 8+ years of military service with this platform. I won't get into an argument about that right now, but lets just say I never thought I would own one personally...