If you missed this, take a second look if you shoot .340 Weatherby. I can't reload 250 grain Partitions at this price. Too bad I already have a lifetime supply of the reloading components that duplicate the factory Weatherby load. This price makes me cry. Please tell me you bought a lot so I...
This topic intrigues me as well. I have always wondered how bullets remain "tangent to the arc of flight." I suppose it has to do with balancing aerodynamics on the projectile, but have never been able to articulate my question in the form of a usable Google search that would allow me to...
Yes Darkhorse, the situation you explained in more detail has happened to me. Thank you for the clarification.
I misunderstood your post as saying the protruding primer would cause a bullet to be seated deeper. The situation you mentioned is a pain as you should take the cartridge apart...
The Lee dies have worked well for me in .45 ACP, .223 Rem and 7.62x25 Tok. Some don't like them, but they have their place for reloading for semi-auto in my opinion.
Great conversation. I have always wondered why bullets wouldn't seat to exactly the same depth measured base to ogive. I think the answer is in the bullet, not the case.
Sierra's usually run about +-0.003" in the 7mm and .30 cal bullets base to ogive from my experience. Interestingly Berger...
Lots of good load here. My contribution is an 85 grain Sierra BTHP over 37.5 grains of IMR-4064 set at 2.224 from base to ogive. My rifle has a 24" barrel. This gives good MOA or better results and is my go to load. Brass doesn't seem to matter as long as it is consistently trimmed, but most...
The load work up regimen I use is the same as jimbires which I call the "Berger Method." This has worked well for me except in rifles where the throat so long the bullet pushes out of the case before touching the lands.
My .340 Weatherby comes to mind. For this I measured a box of a...
Nice list. Mostly I wish I would make more time to shoot the rifles I have. My reloading bench is backed up with projects from two rifles and a revolver.
Now scopes, I could create a wish list for some upgrades....
+1 on BillPa's recommendation for a chamber cast. Cerosafe works great. Use a dowel with a patch on the end to block the barrel ahead of the chamber a sufficient amount and fill the chamber with Cerosafe. I simply melt it in a bullet casting ladle with a propane torch and pour it in...
Air guns have replaced the venerable .22 for my practice. No, they are not as consistently accurate as a .22, but a good air gun is very inexpensive to shoot and can be fired in town many places.
Hi Silentstalker,
Since you want to reload for the .44 Mag RH check out Cast Performance Bullets here:
and Beartooth Bullets here: http://beartoothbullets.com/
You may find you like the terminal ballistics of these hard...
Thank you for bringing this to our attention jimbires. I posted a comment in favor of delisting and believe we have a good chance of getting it done. The note in the blog where only comments that site evidence will be considered and that the number of responses is important gives science a...
Hi Jamila,
I too have only theoretical interest in a double at this point, but I would like to know about your selection process, including tips from Europe. Please keep sharing your decision process and let us know what you choose, why and how it works out.
Maybe someday I'll need one too.....
Way to go Guy. If you like this off hand stuff I concur with 6mm Remington that you should try Rifle High Power Silhouette. They will not let you use a Mag at my range and you will have to ditch the sling, but when you hit a Ram at 500 m off hand it is something special. Heck just watching...
The reviews on the Gempro 250 at Brownel's average a 3 with 5 5's, one 3 and 5 1's. Looks to be a crap shoot to get a good one.
My friend semi-permanently loaned me his Lyman digital scale because he went with a fully automated tricker and didn't need it. I have been using it for a couple of...
Good discussion and I it appears you have picked put the jewels out of this not always clear thread. I agree with Rick, but question trusting the lock ring. The threads are so course on presses that unless you can torque your die exactly the same each time, it will set bullets to different...
Bless you jimbires. I didn't think to look to Grafs and a Google search didn't locate this offer. I have a couple 100 rounds on order now at a good price. Interesting that this brass is not prepped like the stuff straight from Nosler. It doesn't appear to be once fired either.
Thank you again.
Nothing on my card as of just now. Bummer, this would make two years of not being drawn for cow Elk. I really have to get on my partners case to take hunter's ed so they get the bonus point.
Now to plan for deer and maybe Fall Javalina.