Fired a couple rounds of 180 gr Buffalo Bore out of my GP 100 and it did a number on a log about 6 inches in diameter at 20 yards. This stuff packs a punch and the muzzle blast is ear shattering to say the least.
If anyone has a Lyman reloading manual, could you give me the max charge of RL-19 for a 139gr Hornady Interlock for the 7mm-08. If I remember right it showed 52gr as the max charge. I picked up a box of em on my way home from work the other day to see how they shoot.
I tried it in 444 Marlin and it shot ok, thought i’d give a try in my 08 just to see what it would do. It doesn’t appear to be a powder you’d associate with the 7mm-08. I’ll post some results the next time I try more of it at the range.
Anyone ever try H335 in a 7MM-08? Tried some with a 120 gr Sierra Prohunter and it shot really well. I forgot the target at deer camp, i’m Gonna load some more up and see what happens.
It figures I wouldn’t have a fall turkey tag in my pocket when they showed up and milled around for 10 minutes or more yesterday morning. And they were in bow range the whole time.
The Accubond shot the best out of the bullets I tried. Reloader 19 seems to be one of those powders people either love or hate. Out of the powders I tried it’s the one that shines in this rifle. I’m gonna get get a 5 LB canister to avoid any lot to lot variations.
Had the 7mm-08 out this morning and it's as ready as I can have it for an upcoming hunt in Northern Michigan. 140 gr AB with RL-19 CCI LR Primer Nosler brass.