"Predator Xtreme" just published my latest article. It is about the 10th Anniversary of The Texas Predator Posse. I hope you enjoy it. I can't believe it has been 10 years!
Fotis and the kids are pictured!
Link to Article: http://www.grandviewoutdoors.com/predat ... s-10-years
Good shooting!! The 25-06 will sure get the job done on foxes. It can also cut them in half. Not a big deal if you are not saving the pelts.
Good Hunting!
A good friend sent this story to me. It is a good reminder for all of us not to get too complacent around wild hogs. They can be very dangerous, especially when wounded. Those tusks are razor sharp.
I would like to "thump" his hunter with a 2x4!
The Story:
I've hunted with Randy before...
Yep-Just deleted a thread I was going to post. 400 pixels high is too restrictive and not worth the time resizing and uploading "special" photos just for this board.
Here is a link to my latest "Predator Xtreme" article. It is about the 2013 Nikon Spot Championships:
http://www.grandviewoutdoors.com/predat ... mpionships
Me too Dr. Mike. I have only been on 3 bear hunts. I am going on my 4th in August. I have done all three methods, spot and stalk in BC, bait in Alberta, and hounds in New Mexico. I have enjoyed each manner of hunting for different reasons. I have used my trusty ol' 7mm-08 for all of them.
I know they had fun!! One of my uncles owned a motel in Estes with individual cabins. After the season was over, he would invite the family up for a long weekend. It is a great area. It looks like they got to see Rocky Mountain National Park too.