This season?

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
I know some of you have already been out for spring bear.

What's the rest of 2013 looking like for everyone, now that the draws are pretty much wrapped up?

My youngest son and I are bear hunting, here in Washington, in September.

A buddy and I may backpack in for the "high hunt" mule deer hunt in September.

And I'll share general season mule deer with another friend and my son in October.

We'll try to squeeze in a few days for local elk hunting as well.

Nothing too exotic or expensive, but I'm really looking forward to this season, hunting with family and friends.

Well, I'm hoping I draw a tag for Mle Deer but I'm not holding my breath. Regardless of what my wife says, blue ain't my color. :roll: :wink: I will be doing a cow elk hunt next January in New Mexico. I've done two hunts on that ranch with success both times. My better half decided to go almost totally vegetarian util she ate some of the meat from my last elk hunt. Now I have to share. :lol: :lol: The first hunt ended up a bit wierd. I shot my elk but when we got to the butcher shop, the meat was tainted. Smelled bad. We found where he was posibly gore by a bull for whatever reason and had a serious infection. The outfitter tried to get hold of a game warder to inspect the animal and issue me a new tag but it was his day off so he wouldn't come out. :x The outfitter aranged for me to take meat from his hunt. Problem is I think his animal was an old rutting bull. Almost soured me on ever eating elk again. Good think I didn't quit as my elk this year was fantastically good eats. :grin: I can't wait for january to get here.
Paul B.
I hope to have time for some quality hunting in my AO--black bear and moose beginning August 15, elk beginning September 1, white tail and mule deer beginning September 10, and a drive up country to look for caribou sometime in September. I'm still waiting to see if I got a draw for grizzly and for late season elk this year. Throughout the fall months, I'll be picking up grouse (d.v.) and perhaps a few wolves.
I'll be scratching up the coin to renew my lease dues this September, and I'm going to make it a point to camp a few weekends and hunt the whole two and a half days of those weekends, this fall, if only for the experience. My son is after me to do a short backpacking trip, and I think it may be on our lease, during early December, when we can get in, get set up, then stalk the slopes and benches for those sneaky big bucks we've been seeing on game cams at night. I figure we should be able to get a glimpse or maybe a shot on one. He's old enough now, and might even carry his own rifle, so it could get interesting. Packing in is not really required, but it would sure be a lot of fun and make for some fine memories afield with my son.

Beyond that, I have to make a decision very soon, and I'm afraid I will have to turn down an opportunity to go to Colorado to hunt elk. A buddy of mine is trying to talk me into heading out there with him, and I was actually planning on saying yes, but then two of my largest accounts (representing something like $300-500k of my annual revenue number) crashed on me. One closed the whole facility, and the other froze budget and restricted any external vendor purchases, so I just lost a 5-digit chunk of income for the year and have to figure out from where the replacement dollars will come, or sacrifice them. Not a fun picture. Some days I hate sales. If I can figure out how to carve out the money for the CO trip, I'll be in the Del Norte area in mid-October chasing elk, but it isn't looking likely. I'll be bummed, but I do enjoy hunting my lease here in northern Alabama, so all is not lost.

Still waitin' for the Montana antelope draw. Tried for a small area with very few non-res. tags in it.

But ya never know.

Then there is a Regional non-res. deer tag in Wyoming. Waitin' for the OK from a landowner there. He says the mulie bucks are few and far between this year.

We'll see,
Beginnining aug 31st I'll bow hunt mule deer an d elk. Bear rifle season starts sept 2nd. Both seeasons run toward the end of sept. I did draw a cow elk tag for november but hoping to tag out on an animal or two in early fall and will probably call it good.
I pulled a first season bear tag. Opens Sept 10.
Crop Damage deer hunting starts in 4 weeks and bow season starts Oct 1. Rifle season starts Nov 15.
Should be a fun season

Ontario Moose draw is August 1st, If we draw an Adult tag, it's Moose here in October, and most likely back to Newfoundland for Moose again mid November. Also might take a few days for the rifle Deer season, and bow as well. Good luck to everyone!..Lou :)
Montana archery bull elk and deer for the last week of September. Possible Coues hunt with my new buddy Vince in late October down in border country. Bull elk tag just south of the Grand Canyon first week of December. Still waiting on bighorn draw but I'm not holding my breath. Work trips all in between. Should be a busy fall for me!
Waiting on the AZ Deer Draw still. I'm crossing my fingers Wayne.

Desert Bighorn in AZ, if I ever draw the tag.

Elk preference/bonus point in WY and AZ.

WY Deer and Antelope preference point this year.

Possible Texas Hogs.

AZ OTC Mountain Lion and Bear.

Not hunting much this year as this was the wife's year to go home. Next year is mine unless she decides to go home again. :)
I got a mulie buck tag for the first two weeks of October. Then a cow elk tag that opens Nov. 22 and closes Jan. 1. Couldn't ask for much more.
Sounds good, Jake. There are some fine possibilities for those listing hunts. It should be a pretty exciting season for most of us.
Not too much this year. Fall bear in New Mexico, Texas whitetails, and lots of hogs, predators, and a few javelinas.
I'll be after a fall bear, as well as a buck in Oregon. I might get lucky on a few damage cow elk hunts as well. Other than that I'm saving up my time in the woods for my Idaho buck hunt. I drew a unit 27 buck tag. Should be a fun November hunt.
Sept 1 DOVE SEASON starts !
And LSU football !
Also work weekend at the lease in Mo.
Doves through the end of October.

Mid November 10 days at the lease in Mo chasing whitetails.
Could be an interesting year though due to an outbreak of EHD last year.
I read that 30% of the deer herd in our area succumbed to it.

Ducks and geese in Tx, Ok and Mo through Jan.
The annual Tx panhandle trip for Sandhill Cranes in Feb.
Yukon Huntress,

Good luck in your hunts and that sounds like a heck of a caliber.
I'm going to have to study up on it as it's not one I'm familiar with, but there's a lot I'm not familiar with.

That 175 Woodleigh should be excellent in your 275. Can't imagine a much better set up.
Got my Elk tag last week for first season Elk in Colorado Unit 15. That will cover me for October. November I purchase my Deer tag for Maine and spend two weeks in the Doverfoxcroft area with my buddy at his camp. Dec/Jan I spend a lot of time in our local swamps for Ducks. If the Duck season is half as good this year as it was last I'll be one happy hunter.
BRM - Maine, Colorado & Florida! Wow - you hunt a wide variety of places! Cool.

YH - the mountain goat hunt sounds like a real good one. Keep us posted on your hunting will you?

Dr Mike - grizzly? Cool! I hope you draw that tag!

Dang guys, reading all these plans for this year's hunting, it appears that we're going after everything from doves to grizzlies, moose, elk, couple of different types of deer, and more! OUTSTANDING!

Am really looking forward to some great hunt reports and photos.

Best of luck to all!
