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  1. skidmark

    Double grouping????

    Man... Its hard for me to swallow that 25 in. lbs will hold a .340 action down. Maybe this will solve your problem. I will be watching this outcome.
  2. skidmark

    Double grouping????

    That was funny... If you don't have a selection of 33's in 250gr to try you could PM me and I could fix you up with some. But no 250 AB's. Skid
  3. skidmark

    Double grouping????

    You could always go wood..... Pull the action out, reseat it at 35 and try some :wink: 250's.
  4. skidmark

    Double grouping????

    55 in lbs on my Accumark I imagine 35in lbs will be what your looking at same as wood.
  5. skidmark

    Double grouping????

    Does the stock have an aluminum bed like the Accumark?
  6. skidmark

    Your 340 Bee Pet loads?

    My most accurate loads were always with 250's Fotis. SGK's and Accubonds, Partitions, never had as much luck as everyone else using lighter bullets. RE22 @82.0 with 215M's @ 3.660 or 7828 @84.0 same primer and COAL. It always shoots Moa or better. 2800 + if i remember my has a 26" pipe. Did...
  7. skidmark

    Double grouping????

    What load,brass, ect are you using in your .340? I know from your past posts the .340 is well within your recoil tolerance level. And though I consider the recoil modest it did take me some time to get comfortable. If none of the other obvious reasons stated earlier are your problem I again say...
  8. skidmark

    Double grouping????

    cheek weld.... Let another known good shooter try it ?
  9. skidmark

    150 Nosler Ballistic Tip & 7mag.

    Although each rifle is different as far as velocity for a given load, in my experience the speeds have been lower than what I thought they would be. That .181 is a tiny group and if you knew the speed then dialing out to 400 is easy whether its 3100 or not. Others may disagree I think what you...
  10. skidmark

    First Post & 7mag load testing

    Everything is big in the Territory"s. I like the Darkhorse Hunting set up. 7 mag and a nice long shot.
  11. skidmark

    First Post & 7mag load testing

    Wonder if they still have the billboards telling you what hunting area your in up the highway north ? I remember driving by one then a day or so later of driving see another telling you your leaving the one you saw a day ago....ah thats a big area.
  12. skidmark

    First Post & 7mag load testing

    I love hunting powerlines...
  13. skidmark

    VV Powder

    I've been told basically the same thing about powder shipments. That they ship in 30k containers and ports will only allow so much. I did find some Varget at a LGS and the production date was Feb. of this year. I don't think it sat very long in Kansas before being packaged.
  14. skidmark

    Me or the load?

    Without a doubt with groups like that you wont have a problem feeding the family. :P
  15. skidmark

    165gr .308

    I agree The PT is the best bullet for hunting I have found I cant believe the Speer stayed in one piece it was a violent impact like the Gameking. But 50yds is close.
  16. skidmark

    165gr .308

    While in between guns I shot 3 different .308 165gr bullets to test. all shots were @ 2640 fps and 50yds at 6 jugs. 1. NP 5jugs 2. Speer BTSP 5 jugs 3. Sierra Gameking 4 jugs found cup on ground no core Was Impressed with the cheaper Speers didn't separate like the GK and had a lot of expansion
  17. skidmark

    Nosler Bullet Quality!...!!!

    That's Great shooting ! I wish ADI would release some more 2208 to us here in the US. I don't care what name they give it just send it. :mrgreen:
  18. skidmark

    Hand priming tools

    Looks like K & M's.. Nice
  19. skidmark

    Priming tools

    Are Those Beauties K&M's ?
  20. skidmark

    Help Pick A New Press

    I have 2 Original RC press from the early 70"s that have served me well if I had to buy a new one I would go with the Co Ax. But I don't think I will ever wear these out.