My most accurate loads were always with 250's Fotis.
SGK's and Accubonds, Partitions, never had as much luck as everyone else
using lighter bullets. RE22 @82.0 with 215M's @ 3.660 or 7828 @84.0 same
primer and COAL. It always shoots Moa or better. 2800 + if i remember my
has a 26" pipe. Did...
What load,brass, ect are you using in your .340?
I know from your past posts the .340 is well within
your recoil tolerance level.
And though I consider the recoil modest it did take me some time
to get comfortable. If none of the other obvious reasons
stated earlier are your problem I again say...
Although each rifle is different as far as velocity for a given load, in
my experience the speeds have been lower than what I thought they
would be. That .181 is a tiny group and if you knew the speed then dialing
out to 400 is easy whether its 3100 or not. Others may disagree I think what
Wonder if they still have the billboards telling you what hunting
area your in up the highway north ? I remember driving by one then a day or so later of driving see another telling you your leaving the one you saw a day ago....ah thats a big area.
I've been told basically the same thing about powder shipments. That
they ship in 30k containers and ports will only allow so much. I did find
some Varget at a LGS and the production date was Feb. of this year. I don't
think it sat very long in Kansas before being packaged.
I agree The PT is the best bullet for hunting I have found
I cant believe the Speer stayed in one piece it was a violent impact like the
Gameking. But 50yds is close.
While in between guns I shot 3 different .308 165gr
bullets to test. all shots were @ 2640 fps and 50yds at 6 jugs.
1. NP 5jugs
2. Speer BTSP 5 jugs
3. Sierra Gameking 4 jugs found cup on ground no core
Was Impressed with the cheaper Speers didn't separate like the
GK and had a lot of expansion
I have 2 Original RC press from the early 70"s that have served me well if I
had to buy a new one I would go with the Co Ax.
But I don't think I will ever wear these out.