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  1. C

    140 BTs

    Alderman, excellent shooting. I don't think any missed in the last target. That load is really cooking. Kevin
  2. C

    30/06 212 ELD X StaBall 6.5

    Good stuff SJB. Kevin
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    Pleasant Surprise

    Wish I shot like that. Kevin
  4. C

    Dumb Ass award recipient here

    We have our moments. Just don't think you're a shoo in for the award. Kevin
  5. C

    Got To Chrono Staball 6.5 In My 270 Win

    Thanks for that Joe, very informative. You just happened to find the magneto in your pack!!!!!!!!!! How big's your pack?? That was funny. Kevin
  6. C

    Snap Caps.

    sounds good Shade. (y) Kevin
  7. C

    1 More Bucket List Rifle Off My List

    Good Stuff. That is beautiful! (y) Kevin
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    Couple of E-Tip questions

    How much penetration all up ? Kevin
  9. C

    300 wsm brass question

    theddguide, I've always found, acquiring a new rifle puts a whole new light on one's day. All the best Kevin
  10. C

    300 wsm brass question

    theddguide, that would be driving me insane. I personally would be taking it to a smith to get an opinion and he would hopefully take a look at the case and know what it would take to fix it. All the best Kevin
  11. C

    300 wsm brass question

    Just a thought, but it looks like you may have a burr on the edge of the chamber. You may or may not be able to get your little finger in far enough to feel without removing the scope. The lack of a mark near the shoulder seems to indicate that could be a possibility.............. Then again...
  12. C

    Nosler 2020 Bullet Wish List

    This. Kevin
  13. C

    Barrel erosion... a real concern or not?

    What a wonderful thread. Filled with the best advice. (y) Kevin
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    270 Wby with 110gr Accubond experiences ???

    Camp, I don't have an answer to your question, but nice background story on the Husky. (y) Kevin
  15. C

    338 06 and ????? Projectile

    I liked it. :grin: Kevin