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  1. Cleveland48

    .375 Ruger Compared to .375 H&H Mag

    The 375 H&H’s I have shot were very accurate rifles. My 416 Taylor Imp, and 416 Rem continue to surprise me at just how accurate they are. I’m starting to think a lot of these large bore cartridges are just inherently accurate. I bet that 375 improved of yours is a real shooter.
  2. Cleveland48

    .375 Ruger Compared to .375 H&H Mag

    Looks like a great load Guy! I love reloader 15 in my 416 Remington and 416 Taylor Improved. Unfortunately I have not found that powder on the shelf since early 2020. Have great success with IMR 4064 and IMR 4166, but I’d really like to find more RL 15. Hopefully you can find some in your part...
  3. Cleveland48

    Whelen and Western Powders

    I do not own a 35 whelen, but I use big game exclusively in my 9.3x62 with 286 grain bullets. I get 2510 fps with that combo. I really like big game powder, and I figure if it works well in the 9.3x62 it should work well in the 35 whelen considering they are close performance wise.
  4. Cleveland48

    Peterson Brass

    I had some good accuracy loads with Hornady brass, I just loose primer pockets quick with it. These are not hot loads either. I do keep plenty of Hornady on hand though as a backup.
  5. Cleveland48

    Peterson Brass

    That’s great brass. I’m using the first batch I bought of it. I quit counting after 25 reloads of small primer 6.5 creedmoor brass. I anneal after every firing, but I’ve still not lost a single piece to loose primer pockets. And I just loaded them up again this last weekend to shoot.
  6. Cleveland48

    Testing 6.5 Creed / 147's

    Yeah I’d be tickled with that lol. That’s awesome shooting !
  7. Cleveland48

    Magnum Primers.

    Guy I’ve had great luck with the Cci magnum LR primers in both of my 416’s. Which I’ve never used the Winchester or federal. All the local places near me always stocked Cci, so that’s pretty much all I’ve ever used.
  8. Cleveland48

    Magnum Primers.

    I’ve always used the Cci 450 primers in my small primer 6.5 CM brass. Always had great luck with them having very low standard deviations.
  9. Cleveland48

    Long range cartridges

    I have not been on here in forever lol. We just clear cut 350 acres on the hunting club, so will prolly finish out the barrel on my trusty howa 6.5 CM this summer. Pretty sure we can setup some spots that go well past mine, or my brothers range finders. Guess I’ll have to upgrade to better...
  10. Cleveland48

    Accubond : Amazing performance

    Definitely a great showing on the accubond. Congrats on the hunt.
  11. Cleveland48

    Your Experience with the 6.5PRC

    My brother and my friend both have rifles in 6.5 PRC. I have not got to handload for them yet, but they were both very accurate with the Hornady factory loads. One is a Christensen arms, and the other is a howa 1500.
  12. Cleveland48

    New to me - 338-06 AI

    That should be a hammer on game!
  13. Cleveland48


    I grabbed some Cci 450 earlier this morning. Still way cheaper than I spent on gunbroker this summer lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. Cleveland48

    What has happened to Speer?

    Yes it would! I really like the 350 weight class in my Taylor. Heck it’s my favorite weight in my 416 rem also lol. I’m really liking the woodleigh 340 PP right now. Unfortunately on the Africa forums they said woodleigh factory burned down, and they are not planning on rebuilding. Seems like...
  15. Cleveland48

    What has happened to Speer?

    A 350 AB would be amazing for sure. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. Cleveland48

    What has happened to Speer?

    I have not seen the Speer 350 grain mag tip in 1-2 years. Which sucks cause the are my favorite whitetail bullets in my 416’s. I did see midway had some Speer bullets in stock the other day. I don’t know which calibers they had though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  17. Cleveland48

    Sauer 100 Black in 9.3x62 Mauser

    I have definitely thought about it a lot. Been seeing a lot of people on here recently talking about the hammer bullets. Seems like you can actually get them too lol. Once our deer season is over, I’ll prolly try some. I really only need the 230-250 weight range in my 9.3x62, since I only have...
  18. Cleveland48

    Sauer 100 Black in 9.3x62 Mauser

    I’ll be honest if I could find those ecostrike I probably would not even mess with handloading this rifle lol. I have not found any in two years I believe though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  19. Cleveland48

    Bighorn Ram

    Such a beautiful animal. Great pics Guy! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  20. Cleveland48

    Colorado ‘21

    Great buck! Congratulations Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro