Entered Sierra book max loads using both 7828 and Re-22 for 160 GameKing and getting low pressures (high 30k's/low 40k's) and velocities (2600's).
Case capacity seems correct (74 gr H2O) as is bullet length. COAL is per manual 3.325".
I adjusted weighting factor from default of .5 down to...
I bought a few hundred when Midway was closing them out (in their blue boxes). Down to last 50-100. Had a bright idea that I was going to use them in my 338-06AI, but I think they're more a 338WM bullet--I'll stick to 200-210's.
About 10 years ago, I was pinging the QL sales guy with a bunch of questions and finally (finally like in last email) he said something to the effect of "Buy it, you'll be happy!"
I did. I was.
Good for SW. After becoming thoroughly disgusted with most sporting goods stores, I actually enjoy going to SW. Attention to hunters/shooters, like your class, is the reason why! Plus, the reloading shelves are chock full of stuff!
IMR4350 has done fine for many decades in the snow, so I'd suggest considering it for your 180 gr bullets. Good velocity + accuracy in a Browning AB3 300 Win Mag.
After at least two years of trying to make Re-33 work under 130 NABs (too finicky/spikey), I've decided to go back to the drawing board. Retumbo sounds interesting, but the velocities are relatively low--at least in Nosler's data. Was interested to see their data as having a 4350 powder as the...
I used to crimp fairly often and shot some really tight groups with a Lee FCD. Now, I usually only crimp for lever guns, semi-autos and some big bore, heavy recoiling rifles.
I got my 7-08 M70 Fwt around 2008 (pre-Big Game). Started off with 139 Horn SST and H414. Couldn't get it right. Worked up to book max Varget under 140 Sierra Pro-Hunter and was immediately sub-MOA both at 100/200 yds. Stopped. If I was beginning the process today, I'd probably begin with...
A quasi-update ("quasi" in the sense that I used a ball powder, CFE223 vs. Big Game). Tried CFE223 under 200 AB in my 338-06AI yesterday. Got great accuracy (only had time for 100 yds) especially with mag primer (CCI250); mainly used WLR but did a few with CCI mag primers and liked the latter...