Shooters Pro Shop Bullets


Nov 5, 2015
Over the last couple of years I have been using several bullets from Shooters Pro Shop. Today I was weighting some 308 125 BT I had bought and most of 65 I weighted were under 125 grs, 15-20 were right on and 6 were above 125. I know they say the blemish is mostly cosmetic but does the weight play a factor in them being blems as well? Dan.
What +/- weight difference did you see?

1.5 grs on some. As little as .5-1 grs on others. They seem to group decent so far as in 5/8 to 3/4 in at 100 yds. Bought them to try on a deer this fall maybe. Have tried Tac, Varget with Varget best so far. Have RL 15 loaded but not shot yet. Did sort the two boxes I have. Dan.
If all you are "seeing" is .5 to 1.5 gr difference that is excellent consistency. All bullet have a "plus or minus" variation.

I have several hundred first quality, same lot .284 cal 140 gr Nosler BT's and some of those that I have weighed were a grain or a grain and a half off..
Re that bullet - I loaded some for the 308 Win, and was able to get excellent accuracy with both Varget and RL-15. Also, good velocity, 3,000+ fps.

Used that 125 gr bullet in an effort to reduce recoil for a new hunter, then hunted with her for her first buck.

Worked fine on a fat whitetail buck, broadside, through the shoulder blades at about 120 yards. Bullet was recovered, very flattened out, just under the off-side hide. Classic "high shoulder" shot. Buck dropped instantly, but needed a finishing shot, as is sometimes the case with the high shoulder shot.

I'm satisfied with it for deer, but probably wouldn't use it on much larger game.

Regards, Guy
I find weight some variance in most brands/bullets whether they are Blems or retail box bullets. Usually .1gr either way doesn't really affect anything that I can tell, but I'm limited to 200 meters at my range. I recently did some work with the 125 gr AB, and RL-15 was THE powder for them. I worked up to 51, but 50.5 was the best at 3131 fps and a .325" group..That may be a tad faster than I'd want to run the BT. I found another load around 47-48 that was accurate, but I never checked the speed on them.
Glad to hear about the weight difference not a big issue with these bullets. Had never checked the blems before. Guy I want to try my 308 with the 125 BT this year if possible on a white tail. Thanks for all the comments. Dan.
I always check the weight of NPT blems.
The last box of 150s avg 149.7 hi=150.2 low=148.9 which is real good.
But 1 box of 286s had 3 bullets 268, 270 & 273 rest were +/- 1.5 of the 286.
Had another box that was dual model, i.e.
1/2 the box avg 286 other 1/2 avg 283 with nothing between 284 to 285.
So you just never know till you measure.