New MS Rifle

Thank you, Fotis! I don’t think that we’ll be here for all that long. The kiddos are really starting to miss the States and our family members are getting up in years.
That is a slick looking rifle. Good luck with your hunting. Looking forward to seeing pictures. I recall traveling through the Black Forest in the 70s and seeing shooting houses in all the clearing as we passed by. I thought it would be an adventure to hunt there.
There is a really neat hunting culture here. We live on the northern fringe of the Black Forest and I’ve been fortunate enough to hunt down there a couple of times. We were once passing by Oberndorf and I made the wife take the detour so we could go and see it. There are a bunch of gun manufacturers in the valley and it’s full of gun making history.
Very cool to hear about your new experiences with your retirement and the country side! Especially finding such a neat rifle!

Decades ago I had a rifle built by Dave Tooley in a 7mm BooBoo! A 6.5x68 necked up and blown out slightly. I bought it used and eventually sold it due to the difficulty with finding the RWS brass. But yes, it’s a high capacity case made thirty years before the .264 WM.

Good luck with your adventures and keep us updated with your hunting.
The MS rifles really are something else! The amount of hand finishing that went into them to make them perfect is incredible. The 20" barrels on the full length mannlicher stocks seems a bit short to me, but boy do they handle nicely in a blind or in the woods.
That 264 Win Mag sounds like the hot ticket for antelope! My stepfather turned me onto it early in life when I used to admire his pre-64 Westerner rifle and the nice antelope that he took it with as a kid. Any idea what you'll feed it bullet wise? With the 250mm twist rate on my rifle, I think I could pull off a 130 AccuBond, but since everything here is leadfree, I think I'll save my powder and try to get the Barnes 100 grain TTSX figured out. Best of luck to you in drawing that tag!
Steyr Mannlicher LH Model M FS SE 6.5x55 1.jpg
I was able to acquire this beautiful Steyr Mannlicher Model M Special Edition FS in 6.5x55 with the QR rings and bases. I mounted a gloss Leupold VX-3 2.5-8x36 B&C scope on it. It weighs 8 lbs even with 5 rounds in the rotary magazine. The action is very smooth. Can't wait to get it sighted in with the Nosler 140 gr AccuBond ammunition. I plan to hunt deer, black bear and moose with this rifle in the timber. A hunt for mouflon in Europe would be fun with this rifle!
I hope it shoots as well as the non-SE edition of the same rifle I have in 270 Win. (Which will produce 0.678" groups @ 100 yards with the Federal 136 gr Terminal Ascent ammunition!)